Cuthbertson Primary School
Honesty Respect Kindness Equality Achieving Fairness
October 2021 Newsletter
Welcome back after the October holiday. It is lovely to see everyone back and looking so smart in school uniforms.
Work is ongoing to complete the new nursery building. Once this is complete, the playground will be resurfaced and plans are underway for a fenced off multi-use games area (MUGA). I have been advised that playground resurfacing, new markings, new storage and a green space will all be completed before we return after the summer holidays in August 2022. The school are reviewing our finances to try and fund new seating and planters for the playground and potentially some kind of shelter/shade.
Please follow us on @cuthbertsonpri for Twitter updates.
Parent/Carer Evenings
Due to current Covid-19 restrictions we cannot have parents in the school building. Staff are currently completing interim reports as a substitute for our November Parent/Carer Evening. We hope to issue these at the end of November. Please continue to call the school with any concerns so that we can offer support.
At this time in the year I would normally be sharing information about Diwali, St Andrew’s Day and Christmas events for you to attend, but as you know, these events will not be open to parents and carers. We will celebrate with the children in school.
Parent Pay
Parent Pay is now live and the council requires that parents/carers use Parent Pay to pay for items such as lunches and trips. You will have received instructions on how to do this. Please contact the school office if you have any problems as the school will no longer be able to accept cash payments.
Parent/Carer Survey
Thanks to those who responded to our survey. The survey remains open if you would like to provide feedback.
Dates for Your Diary
Friday 5 November: Diwali celebrations in school (non-uniform day)
Kind regards,
Lesley Murrie, Head Teacher