Get Involved: Share Your Creativity!

Are you a Glasgow teacher passionate about inspiring students and fostering creativity in the classroom? We want to hear from you! Join our vibrant community of educators on the “Creativity in Education: Glasgow” website and make a positive impact on teaching and learning.

Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Submit Your Lesson Plans: Share your innovative lesson plans that showcase how you integrate creativity into your teaching. Whether it’s a science experiment, a writing activity, or a multimedia project, we welcome a wide range of subjects and approaches. Your valuable contributions will inspire fellow teachers and spark creativity in classrooms across Glasgow.
  2. Be a Changemaker: Do you have a unique teaching strategy, an engaging activity, or an inspiring story to share? We want to feature your insights! Write a blog post, create a video, or record a podcast episode to share your experiences, ideas, and successes with our community. Let’s learn from each other and make a collective impact on education.
  3. Stay Updated: Follow @CreativityInEdu on Twitter for regular updates, curated content, and highlights of the latest creative initiatives happening in Glasgow schools. Be the first to know about upcoming events, resources, and opportunities for professional development.

Your contribution matters! By sharing your expertise and experiences, you are shaping the future of education in Glasgow. Let’s celebrate the incredible creativity happening in our classrooms.

Ready to get involved? Download this Pages document to get started.