Second Level: Drama

E & O: I have created and presented scripted or improvised drama, beginning to take account of audience and atmosphere. (EXA 2-14a)

End of Level Benchmarks

Creates a short drama, as part of a group or individually, using improvisation or a published script.

Builds on the contributions of others in developing ideas for a shared drama, with regard to plot, characters and theatre arts.
Presents a short drama, as part of a group, using improvisation or a script.

Uses theatre arts technology such as props, basic lighting and sound to enhance a performance effectively, for example, chooses appropriate music or makes sound effects to create atmosphere.

Interdisciplinary links

LIT 2-02a, LIT 2-06a, LIT 2-07a, LIT 2-09a, ENG 2-12a, LIT 2-13a. LIT 2-14a, ENG 2-19a
HWB 2-01a, HWB 2-02a, HWB 2-04a, HWB 2-19a
SOC 2-04a
RME 2-04a
TCH 2-01a, TCH 2-02a