/ Drama Framework / Second Level / Second Level Tracker
Vary tone of voice when in role to show a range of emotions i.e. excited, sad, angry etc.
Vary volume of voice appropriate to the role and situation i.e. quiet when making up a secret plan.
Vary the pace of speech to convey an emotion i.e. fast when excited or nervous or slow when bored or tired.
Make appropriate changes to body language and posture to convey a characters emotion i.e. upright if happy or slouched if sad.
Use a range of gestures to communicate and respond in role e.g. wave, point, fidget etc.
Use a range of facial expressions to communicate and respond in role e.g. happy, sad, angry, confused etc.
Use characterisation exercises to develop character and experiment with voice and movement skills.
Can sustain a basic character when performing a drama.
Can share simple ideas for lighting and sound to help create mood and atmosphere i.e. siren for a police chase to create tension.
Use a range of stimuli, including script, to develop ideas for a character and story.
Work collaboratively with others to plan and develop a drama, contributing to discussions and sharing ideas.
Use spontaneous and rehearsed improvisation to further develop ideas.
Describe a character’s personality and relationship to others and use this to inform voice and movement choices.
Use characterisation exercises such as hot seating or character card to develop a character’s personality and background.
Can suggest simple choices for lighting and sound to help communicate location, plot and/or atmosphere.
Can participate in spontaneous and rehearsed improvisation activities.
Can create realistic dialogue when improvising a drama.
Can react and respond to others appropriately through words or gestures, when improvising, taking part in role play and using scripts.
Can memorise lines from a script.
Can use rehearsal time effectively to develop and refine a drama.
Chooses and/or creates costumes and props appropriate to their role and drama.
Can apply and sustain a range of acting skills when performing (characterisation, movement, and voice)
Can perform confidently in front of others, facing the front and projecting their voice.
Can select appropriate lighting and sound effects to create a desired mood and atmosphere.
Understands the importance of being an effective audience member and listens to the views of others.
Comments on own and others’ work, celebrating success and giving appropriate suggestions on how to improve.
Use correct drama vocabulary when giving feedback e.g. sad facial expression, loud volume, frustrated tone etc.
Use technology to record own work and use this to self-evaluate progress in drama.
Experience a range of live and/or recorded drama i.e. TV, theatre or film, sharing thoughts and feelings, and giving reasons for likes and dislikes using vocabulary.
Identify the mood and atmosphere created on stage through characterisation and/or theatre arts and discuss how this made them feel as an audience member.
Use technology to enhance drama e.g. to film a review or use GarageBand to create sound effects.
Participate in a performance to the class, parents or in the community.
Develop performance techniques, for example: confidence, concentration and basic stagecraft.
Experience live performance as an audience member e.g. at other class performances, visiting theatre group performances and visits to theatres
Develop ability to listen and concentrate on a short performance
Celebrate the achievement of others at a performance