Role Play
Suggested resources for a deconstructed role play area:
- Pegs
- Sheets of different coloured materials
- Elastic Camping Peg lines
- Ribbons
- Rolls of paper (for walls)
- Marker pens/crayons
- Variety of Loose Parts crystals, tree cookies, corks, pine cones, buttons
- Real sized cutlery or cups/plates
- Variety of different sized boxes
- Belts
- Shoes
- Hats
- Different sized jars
- Dolls
- Variety of costumes or materials for costume design e.g. pillow cases and fabric markers, sheets of material and pegs
- Storybooks e.g. Goldilocks and the 3 Bears , Peace at Last , Room on the Broom
Small World
Suggested resources for a small world play area:
- Small animals and people
- Wooden Pegs
- Cars
- Trains
- Lollipop sticks
- Puppets
- Laminated characters stuck to blocks
- Wooden block (can wrap in paper to encourage mark making)
- Coloured Scarves
- Stones
Stimuli for creating drama
- Stories and picture books e.g. The Gruffalo , The Tiger who came to Tea
- Film / animation clips or
- Objects/props, photographs
Digital Tools
- iPad or camera for capturing images/video