/ Dance Framework / First Level / First Level Tracker
Identify and demonstrate travelling steps with increasing balance and control: walking, running, skipping, hopping, galloping, triplet steps (moving towards leaps and step ball change).
Identify and demonstrate turns with increasing balance and control: pencil turn, step-turn-step, step-hop-step.
Identify and demonstrate jumps with increasing balance and control: jumping on the spot, jumping side to side, star jumps, tuck jumps.
Perform the steps in time with the music: counts of 8, counts of 4, counts of 2 etc.
Explore different speeds (single time, double time) and levels (high, medium and low).
Move between low, medium and high levels with ease.
Demonstrate a range of arm and hand isolations.
Pause in response to the music.
Create a short sequence by selecting and ordering a range of steps.
Remember and perform a short sequence of steps.
Share feelings in response to a stimulus e.g. music, picture, story, sound, props or costume.
Use a stimulus to generate different ideas for movements, expression, characters and emotions.
Work in groups to build on each other’s ideas and use their repertoire of steps to create short movement sequences e.g. “Why don’t we add this move to this one?”.
Agree on the order of steps, rehearse and perform their creative sequences.
Identify different styles of dance from the music and key steps performed e.g. Scottish, Irish, Bollywood, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop and Ballroom.
Explore the use of spacial elements: personal space, travelling and formations (such as horizontal/vertical lines, circles and V/Inverted V shapes).
Follow and remember a sequence of style specific steps taught.
Rehearse a sequence of style specific steps and perform in a range of formations to an audience.
Demonstrate being a good audience member and listen appropriately to the views of others.
Comment on their own and others’ work, celebrating success and giving suggestions on how to improve using some dance vocabulary.
Share and explain their thoughts, feelings and personal opinions.
Express a response to Dance through other areas of Expressive Arts, e.g. create a simple sequence of freeze frames to tell a story or express an emotion, draw a picture, use instruments to enhance an emotion or story told trough dance.
Participate in a dance performance to the class, parents or in the community.
Develop basic performance techniques, for example: confidence, concentration and follow a leader.
Experience live performance as an audience member e.g. at other class performances, visiting dance group performances and visits to theatres.
Develop ability watch, listen and concentrate on a performance
Celebrate the achievement of others at a performance