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Core Art Materials
- Pens/pencils/crayons/chalk of various thickness in wide range of colours and tones
- Poster Paint, Tempera paint, Watercolour Paint, Acrylic Paint
- Range of brushes in various sizes (to allow for thick and thin line)
- Sponges, nailbrushes and toothbrushes
- Water pots, large mixing trays
- Chalk Pastels, Charcoal, Oil Pastels
- Printing resources – printing ink, trays, rollers and stampers
- Sheets of acrylic
- Variety of papers in different textures/ thickness/ colours
- Newsprint, large rolls of paper, wallpaper samples, newspaper, magazines and catalogues for collage
- Tissue paper, cellophane, shiny paper, sticky shapes, crepe paper, cotton wool, tinfoil
- Right and left-handed scissors, scissors with various lines e.g. zig-zag
- Modelling clay and tools, play dough with tools, plasticine, gloop, slime
- Sand
- Fabric swatches and squares in various prints and textures
- Masking tape, cello tape, glue sticks, pva, glue spreaders, paper clips, string
- Classroom resources for making patterns and constructing 3D models
- Junk modelling resources
- Loose parts
- Transient art materials – grass/leaves/twigs
- Cameras/iPads
- Viewfinders, magnifying glasses
- Standing and table-top easels
- Aprons
Stimuli for creating artwork
- Role play and small world play
- Picture books, stories and nursery rhymes
- Film and animation
- Photographs and objects
- Sensory experiences and feely bags
- Sculpture
- Architecture
- Natural environment
- Other artists’ work
- Music