Music – Early Level: Primary 1 – Music of Scotland
Experiences and Outcomes: I enjoy singing and playing along to music of different styles and cultures. EXA 0-16a I have the freedom to use voice, musical instruments and music technology to discover and enjoy playing with sound and rhythm. EXA 0-17a Inspired by the range of stimuli and working on… Read more
Music – Early Level: Primary 1 – Listening Lesson
Learners will engage in active listening and discuss their thoughts and feelings in response to contrasting pieces of music. Learners will be encouraged to make links between music and their emotions and to talk about the music concepts and instruments they hear. Early Level Listening Lesson – Emotions (PDF Download) Experiences… Read more
Music – Early Level: Primary 1 – Listening Lesson (In the Hall of the Mountain King)
In this lesson, learners will listen to a piece of music and respond to changes in tempo and dynamics using movement. The teacher will model movements for the children to copy before creating their own in response to the music. Learners will have opportunities to talk about how the music… Read more