Participation in performances and presentations

E & O: I have experienced the energy and excitement of presenting/performing for audiences and being part of the audience for other people’s presentation/performances EXA 0-01a / EXA 1-01a / EXA 2-01a

Partnerships with arts organisations

Many arts organisations run education and outreach programmes which offer opportunities for children to experience creative workshops and inspiring performances/presentations in schools or at concert halls, theatres, galleries and museums. Some suggested arts organisations and venues that work with children and young people in Scotland are listed below.

Interdisciplinary links

**Please refer to the CfE Experiences and Outcomes to explore the following Es+Os.

LIT 0-01a / LIT 1-01a / LIT 2-01a
HWB 0-10a / HWB 1-10a / HWB 2-10a
HWB 0-12a / HWB 1-12a / HWB 2-12a
HWB 0-12a / HWB 1-12a / HWB 2-12a
HWB 0-20a / HWB 1-20a