/ Music Framework / Early Level / Early Level Tracker
EXA 0-16a Supporting Guidance
Sing individually and as part of a group.
Differentiate between a speaking and singing voice.
Sing with some understanding of pitch (higher and lower).
Sing/chant with a louder or quieter voice.
Sing/chant at a faster or slower tempo.
Keep the beat with actions.
Walk to the beat.
Begin to internalise single words or short phrases in familiar songs/rhymes.
Clap the rhythm of a known song/rhyme (ta, te te, ta rest).
Follow simple pictorial rhythm notation for a known song/rhyme.
Use some percussion instruments to keep a steady beat.
Use some percussion instruments play along at a slower or faster tempo.
Use some percussion instruments to tap back a simple rhythm.
Use some percussion instruments play the rhythm of a known song/rhyme (ta, te te, ta rest).
EXA 0-17a Supporting Guidance
Experiment with the voice to create different sounds e.g. speaking, singing, whispering, humming.
Begin to identify and name some tuned and untuned percussion instruments.
Show respect for instruments in the classroom.
Develop basic techniques for playing some untuned and tuned percussion instruments.
Experiment with and talk about the sound quality (timbre) of different percussion instruments e.g. shake, tap, ting, boom.
Use percussion instruments to accompany songs and play along keeping a steady beat.
Use tuned and untuned percussion instruments to begin to explore tempo and dynamics.
Use tuned percussion instruments to begin to explore pitch
Use digital technology to capture short recordings of sound or performances.
Use digital technology to listen back to recordings of sounds or performances
Respond to recordings of own or others’ work by sharing thoughts and feelings
Explore sounds made by a range of tuned and untuned percussion instruments and everyday objects.
Use voice, body, instruments and everyday objects to create loud/quiet sounds, fast/slow sounds, high/low sounds
Begin to recognise the timbre of some percussion instruments: shake (e.g. maraca), tap (e.g. claves), ting (e.g. triangle), boom (e.g. tambour).
Listen to and talk about sounds heard in everyday environments e.g. classroom, playground, street
Listen to soundscape recordings from different environments (e.g. beach, underwater, city) and respond by sharing thoughts and feelings.
Work individually or with a group to create own soundscapes and sound effects in response to a variety of stimuli e.g. sounds, pictures, stories, videos.
Follow a leader to perform an improvised or rehearsed soundscape / sound picture / sound story using body percussion, voice, instruments and everyday objects.
Explore rhythm by copying and creating short patterns of sounds using voice, body, instruments or objects.
Clap the rhythm of a known song/rhyme (ta, te te, ta rest).
Follow simple pictorial rhythm notation for a known song/rhyme.
Use some percussion instruments to keep a steady beat.
Use some percussion instruments play along at a slower or faster tempo.
Use some percussion instruments to tap back a simple rhythm.
Use some percussion instruments play the rhythm of a known song/rhyme (ta, te te, ta rest).
Understand the importance of being a good listener and listen appropriately to the views of others.
Comment on own and others’ work, celebrating success and giving some suggestions on how to improve.
Listen to a range of live and/or recorded music, sharing thoughts and feelings, attempting to give reasons for likes and dislikes e.g. ‘I heard…’, ‘I liked it because…’, ‘It made me think of…’.
Begin to link emotions with music e.g. ‘It made me feel…happy/sad/scared because…’
Listen to different styles of music from Scotland and other cultures and begin to identify simple musical concepts e.g. familiar instruments and voices, fast/slow, loud/quiet, high/low
Demonstrate a steady beat with an instrument, body percussion or movement when listening to a piece of music.
Express a response to music through other areas of Expressive Arts (Art & Design, Drama, Dance) e.g. creating a simple sequence of movements, demonstrating facial expressions and drawing or mark making
Participate in a musical performance to the class, parents or in the community
Develop basic performance techniques, for example: confidence, concentration and following a leader
Experience live performance as an audience member e.g. at other class performances, visiting musician/theatre group performances and visits to theatres/concert halls
Develop ability to listen and concentrate on a short performance
Celebrate the achievement of others at a performance