Category: EXA 0-19a

Music – Early Level: Primary 1 – Listening Lesson (In the Hall of the Mountain King)

In this lesson, learners will listen to a piece of music and respond to changes in tempo and dynamics using movement. The teacher will model movements for the children to copy before creating their own in response to the music.

Learners will have opportunities to talk about how the music makes them feel and what it makes them think about/picture as they listen. Learners will be supported to identify fast and slow, loud and quiet, passages in the music and to talk about how the music changes.

Experiences and Outcomes:

I can respond to music by describing my thoughts and feelings about my own and others’ work EXA 0-19a

Learning Intentions

  • To respond to music through movement
  • To link music with our emotions
  • To recognise fast and slow, loud and quiet sounds

Success Criteria

  • I am able to talk about how the music makes me feel
  • I am able to listen to talk about how the music changes
  • I am able to change my movement to match the slow and fast, quiet and loud, parts of the music


Useful Links

Music – Early Level: Primary 1 – Music of Scotland

Experiences and Outcomes:
I enjoy singing and playing along to music of different styles and cultures. EXA 0-16a​

I have the freedom to use voice, musical instruments and music technology to discover and enjoy playing with sound and rhythm. EXA 0-17a​

Inspired by the range of stimuli and working on my own and/or with others, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feeling through musical activities. EXA 0-18a​

I can respond to music by describing my thoughts and feelings about my own and others’ work. EXA 0-19a

I have experienced the energy and excitement of presenting/performing for audiences and being part of an audience for other people’s presentations/performances. EXA 0-01a​


  • Keep the beat with actions​
  • Walk to the beat​
  • Use some percussion instruments to keep a steady beat​
  • Experiment with the voice to create different sounds e.g speaking, whispering, humming​
  • Use tuned and untuned percussion instruments to begin to explore tempo and dynamics​
  • Use digital technology to capture short recordings of sound or performances​
  • Use digital technology to listen back to recordings of sounds or performances​
  • Work individually or with a group to create own soundscapes and sound effects in response to a variety of stimuli e.g sounds, pictures, stories, videos.​
  • Listen to different styles of music from Scotland and other cultures and begin to identify simple musical concepts e.g familiar instruments and voices, fast/slow, loud/quiet, high/low.​
  • Demonstrate a steady beat with an instrument, body percussion or movement when listening to a piece of music.​
    Participate in a musical performance to the class, parents or in the community.​

DOWNLOAD LESSON PLANS (Sequence of 3 Lessons)

Music – Early Level: Primary 1 – Listening Lesson

Learners will engage in active listening and discuss their thoughts and feelings in response to contrasting pieces of music. Learners will be encouraged to make links between music and their emotions and to talk about the music concepts and instruments they hear.

Experiences and Outcomes:

I can respond to music by describing my thoughts and feelings about my own and others’ work EXA 0-19a

Learning Intentions

  • We are learning to link music with our emotions
  • We are learning to recognise fast and slow, loud and quiet sounds
  • We are learning to recognise instruments and voices

Success Criteria

  • I am able to talk about how the music makes me feel
  • I am able to listen to talk about whether the music is fast or slow, loud or quiet
  • I am able to talk about some instruments and/or voices that I hear


Useful Links