Experiences & Outcomes
First Level
EXA 1-12a
- Vary tone of voice when in role
- Vary volume of voice to convey emotion
- Vary the pace of speech when conveying an emotion or taking on a role
- Use clues from what is known about a character to choose appropriate ways of moving.
- Maintain the body language and posture of a character when moving around a space in role.
- Use gestures to communicate and respond appropriately in role e.g. wave
- Vary movements, body language and posture to convey an emotion.
- Use facial expressions that are different to own when in role
- Consciously use eyebrows, eyes and mouth to demonstrate varied emotions when in role
EXA 1-13a
- Work collaboratively with others to plan and develop a drama, contributing to discussions and sharing ideas
- Use improvisation to create a short drama
- Describe a character’s personality and uses this to make choices when improvising
- Explore what characters in imaginary or real situation might say, feel or do.
- Work in a small group to improvise how a recognisable character might react in a different context.
- Use a stimulus such as a photo/art/music/poem to make up a story or character
EXA 1-14a
- Identify the difference between spontaneous and rehearsed performance/drama.
- Make up appropriate things to say when improvising.
- Responds to others appropriately through words or gestures, when improvising, taking part in role play and using scripts
- Can perform in front of others
- Use a variety of acting skills explored e.g. a range of different characters.
- Can sustain and apply basic acting skills when performing (movement, expression, voice)
- React and respond to others in role when improvising
EXA 1-15a
- Understand the importance of being a good audience member and listen appropriately to the views of others.
- Comment on own and others’ work, celebrating success and giving suggestions on how to improve.
- Use technology to record own and other’s work and to aid reflection.
Second Level
EXA 2-12a
- Vary tone of voice when in role to show a range of emotions
- Vary volume of voice appropriate to the role and situation
- Vary pace of speech to convey an emotion
- Make appropriate changes to body language and posture to convey a character emotion
- Use a range of gestures to communicate and respond in role
- Use a range of facial expressions to communicate and respond in role
- Use characterisation exercises to develop character and experiment with voice and movement skills
- Can sustain a basic character when performing a drama
EXA 2-13a
- Use a range of stimuli to develop ideas for a character and story
- Work collaboratively with others to plan and develop a drama, contributing to discussions and sharing ideas.
- Use spontaneous and rehearsed improvisation to further develop ideas.
- Describe a character’s personality and relationship to others and use this to inform voice and movement choices.
- Use characterisation exercises such as hot-seating or character card to develop a character’s personality and background.
EXA 2-14a
- Can participate in spontaneous and rehearsed improvisation activities
- Can create realistic dialogue when improvising a drama
- Can react and respond to others appropriately through words or gestures when improvising, taking part in role play and using scripts
- Can use rehearsal time effectively to develop and refine a drama
- Can apply and sustain a range of acting skills when performing (characterisation, movement, voice)
- Can perform confidently in front of others, facing the front and projecting their voice.
EXA 2-15a
- Understands the importance of being an effective audience member and listens to the views of others.
- Comments on own and other’s work, celebrating success and giving appropriate suggestions on how to improve.
- Use correct drama vocabulary when giving feedback
- Experience a range of live and/or recorded drama i.e. TV, theatre or film, sharing thoughts and feelings, and giving reasons for likes and dislikes using vocabulary.