Category: Drama – Early Level Lesson Plans

Drama – Early & First Level: Fairy Tales (Sequence of 5 Lessons)

Video Lessons

During this sequence of lessons, learners will…

  • Use their bodies to make shapes of characters and objects found in fairy tales.
  • Explore how to use their voices, bodies and facial expressions to show emotion and portray a character from a traditional fairy tale.
  • Use key vocabulary to describe actors use of voice, movement and facial expressions.
  • Explore a variety of emotions and link them to characters from or parts of a traditional fairy tale.
  • Be part of an audience
  • Listen to and follow instructions.
  • Share thoughts and opinions on a piece of drama.

Experiences and Outcomes:

  • I have the freedom to choose and explore how I can use my voice, movement, and expression in role play and drama (EXA 0-12a) / I enjoy creating, choosing and accepting roles, using movement, expression and voice (EXA 1-12a)
  • Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through drama (EXA 0-13a / EXA 1-13a)
  • I use drama to explore real and imaginary situations, helping me to understand my world (EXA 0-14a) / I have developed confidence and skills in creating and presenting drama which explores real and imaginary situations, using improvisation and script (EXA 1-14a)
  • I can respond to the experience of drama by discussing my thoughts and feelings. I can give and accept constructive comment on my own and others’ work (EXA 0-15a / EXA 1-15a)
  • I have experienced the energy and excitement of presenting/performing for audiences and being part of the audience for other people’s presentation/performances (EXA 0-01a)