End of Level Benchmarks
Conveys through drama what characters in real or imaginary situations might say, do or feel, for example, being upset about losing a toy, what a character in a well known fairy tale might say or how they might feel.
Communicates their ideas through improvised drama i.e. making it up as they go along.
Shares thoughts and feelings about drama experiences, for example, during a discussion about characters or events in a drama, giving reasons for likes and dislikes.
Shares views and listens appropriately to the views of others on their own or others’ work.
Interdisciplinary links
LIT 0-01a / LIT 0-11a / LIT 0-20a, LIT 0-02a / ENG 0-03a, LIT 0-09a, LIT 0-09b/LIT 0-31a, LIT 0-10a, LIT 0-19a, LIT 0-26a
HWB 0-01a, HWB 0-02a, HWB 0-04a
SOC 0-04a
RME 0-04a
TCH 0-04b