Early Level: Dance

E & O: Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express my ideas, thoughts and feelings through creative work in dance (EXA 0-09a)

End of Level Benchmarks

Shares their responses to stimuli through movement with, for example, peers or practitioner.

  • Shows understanding that dance consists of combined movements and gestures, usually performed with music or a beat.
  • Uses space and resources creatively.
  • Chooses and explores ways of moving rhythmically, expressively and playfully.

Shares views and listens appropriately to the views of others on their own or others’ work.

Interdisciplinary links

LIT 0-01a / LIT 0-11a / LIT 0-20a, LIT 0-02a/ENG 0-03a, LIT 0-09a, LIT 0-10a, LIT 0-09b / LIT 0-31a
MNU 0-02a, MTH 0-13a, MTH 0-17a, MTH 0-19a
HWB 0-10a, HWB 0-11a, HWB 0-14a, HWB 0-21a, HWB 0-22a , HWB 0-23a