Supplementary Advice to Drama Staff – November 2020

Glasgow CREATE – Supplementary Advice to Drama Staff – November 2020

The following document sets out considerations for safe delivery of Drama Lessons from November 2020 but must be tailored and included within each establishment’s individual Risk Assessment taking into account individual circumstances within schools and departments. The advice is based on current government guidelines and is subject to change and revision.

  1. Scientific and medical advice around how activities such as singing, talking at volume e.g. in theatre performance, or playing wind/brass musical instruments can be managed safely is still being developed. These activities should be avoided during the initial return to schools. 

The Scottish Government Sub Group on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Education and Children’s Issues provided an updated advisory note on PE, Music and Drama in Schools on 23rd September 2020.  The advice is current on this date.  The advice is reviewed periodically and may change as evidence is published and more about the virus is understood.

This Supplementary Advice to Music Staff has taken the above guidance into consideration.

The document states;

Meantime, it is our advice that young people should not engage in drama, singing, or playing wind and brass instruments with other people, given these activities pose a potentially higher risk of transmission.  However, this does not mean that these activities cannot take place at all, it simply means that a more creative approach should be taken to providing such lessons.

Please note that following School Risk Assessment and Supplementary Advice Practical Drama can continue in schools.

Masks and Face Coverings

The Scottish Government has issued guidance which states that all Senior Phase pupils are required to wear a mask or face covering in school.

For practical Drama Lessons, the decision has been taken by Directorate that masks and face-coverings must be worn for group work, rehearsals and whilst in the audience.  However, where risk assessment and physical distancing are in place, they may be removed for performance due to the specific requirements in line with assessment criteria.

For S1 to 3, with careful risk assessment, there remains no requirement for masks or face coverings.

NPA Musical Theatre

Please note that singing is not permitted in schools until Scottish Government Guidance Changes.  Music Additional Guidance should be followed in this area.  In terms of Dance, PE Guidance should also be taken into consideration.


General Health and Safety Rules and regulations should be followed as per individual establishment Risk Assessments.

Children and young people will be required to wash or sanitise their hands before and after each lesson. Please note, sanitiser should not be a replacement for handwashing.  Where possible, children should wash their hands in the first instance.

Each child or young person should have personal copies of resources and where possible this should be in digital form on pupil ipads.

All staff should be made aware of each schools policy and protocols for the display of COVID 19 symptoms as well as any contingency arrangements for dealing with self-isolation and any test and protect protocols that are in place.

Physical Distancing

The COVID-19 Advisory Sub-Group on Education and Children’s Issues has published scientific advice on physical distancing in schools. The advice states:

“Subject to continued suppression of the virus, and to surveillance and mitigations being in place, the balance of the evidence suggests that no distancing should be required between children in primary schools. The evidence is less clear for older pupils but at present we support the same approach being taken in secondary schools on the basis of the balance of known risks, the effectiveness of mitigations and the benefits to young people of being able to attend school.”

 Maintaining distance between young people – Secondary Schools

  1. The scientific advice is that physical distancing between young people in secondary schools is not required to ensure a safe return to schools.
  2. However, within the context of a full return to school, and to provide additional reassurance to young people, staff and parents/carers, where there are opportunities to further minimise risk these should be encouraged. As a precautionary approach therefore secondary schools should encourage distancing where possible between young people particularly in the senior phase.
  3. Mitigations that schools may consider could include:
  • Encourage young people to maintain distance where possible, particularly indoors – this does not have to be strict distancing of 2m if this is unachievable, but encouraging young people not to crowd together or touch their peers is recommended.
  • Discourage social physical contact (hand to hand greeting/hugs)
  • Use all the available space in classrooms, halls, libraries or social spaces to promote distancing where possible.
  • Adjust class space if required, and where possible, to maintain spacing between desks or between individual young people.
  • Seat young people side by side and facing forwards, rather than face to face.
  • Avoid situations that require young people to sit or stand in direct physical contact with others.
  • Where young people need to move about within the classroom to perform activities (for example to access a shared resource) this should be organised to minimise congregation around the point of access to the shared resource.
  • Where staffing within the school allows it, consider altering class sizes and composition to intensify support for young people and create more space. For example, where there are 3 maths sets in a year group (one set with 30 pupils, another with 20 pupils and another with 10 pupils) class size and composition may be altered to improve the spread of pupils and create 3 sets of 20 pupils.

The focus is on minimising risk and therefore, Drama Departments may take these suggestions into consideration when planning;

  • Consideration of the positioning of young people during practical Drama activities e.g. trying to avoid direct face to face where possible and carefully considering the Government Guidance around social distancing. This will allow flexibility for practical lessons.
  • Where possible, avoid physical contact between pupils.
  • Where a Drama Studio does not meet the requirement in terms of space and ventilation, consider use of outside, gym hall or assembly hall to allow appropriate distancing to take place.
  • Consideration of smaller class sizes to allow practical work to be take place safely under current restrictions.
  • Consideration of seating plans to and furniture layout to facilitate track and trace should this be necessary.
  • Consideration of rehearsal bubbles and a rotation of smaller groups for practical drama whilst other young people are using an alternative, creative approach.
  • Consider use of visors for Senior Phase Pupils to reduce anxiety and risk. Drama activities are not conducive of wearing a mask due to the necessity for facial expression.
  • Where props and costumes are used they should be cleaned or quarantined appropriately to stop cross contamination. Guidelines state 72 hours for this purpose.


In line with Government Guidance;

Wherever it is safe to do so, doors and windows should be kept open to increase natural ventilation (this advice will be reviewed as we head into the winter months). This will also help to reduce contact with door handles. However, internal fire doors should never be held open (unless assessed and provided with appropriate hold open and self-closing mechanisms which respond to the actuation of the fire alarm system). The Fire Safety Risk Assessment should always be reviewed before any internal doors are held open.  

In terms of Drama Studios this should be assessed as part of each establishments Risk Assessment to ensure they are appropriate with the careful consideration of physical distancing and suitable ventilation.

Extract from GCC Generic Risk Assessment;

Good ventilation should be encouraged in all areas were possible.  In order to increase ventilation and the supply of fresh air windows and doors (except fire/security doors) can be opened. Fans can be used to assist in circulating stagnant air to improve circulation as the risk of transmission is extremely low. It is important to note that when opening windows to increase ventilation that window restrictors should remain in place and not disengaged.

Extra Curricular Activities

Lunchtime and After School Drama activities should be negotiated at school level taking into account the Government restrictions and Health and Safety Advice.


Careful consideration should be given to the cleaning regime for specialist equipment (e.g. in practical subjects or for children with additional support needs), sensory rooms, practical subjects with specialist equipment and dining halls, etc. to ensure safe use.

Classrooms and Drama Teaching Spaces should be cleaned in accordance with current guidelines and robust whole school cleaning regimes as per individual school Risk Assessments. Where possible resources should not be not be shared however, where this is not possible, there should be a robust system of cleaning between use which should take place in accordance with current guidelines and individual school Risk Assessments.

Care and Maintenance of Resources and Equipment

Children and young people should be regularly reminded about the importance of cleaning their individual equipment and told how to do this carefully in line with each individual school’s Risk Assessment.  Resources and equipment should be cleaned as per the guidelines for cleaning surfaces and materials are provided in schools for this purpose.  Drama Teachers should consider quarantining resources which cannot be cleaned e.g. costumes.  Guidance states 72 hours for this purpose. There is enhanced cleaning and day cleaning in all schools and this should be negotiated at school level to support practical drama lessons.

E-Portfolio tag: Expressive arts