Music – First Level: Primary 3 – Lesson 1

Experiences and Outcomes:
I can sing and play music from other styles and cultures, showing growing confidence and skill, while learning about musical notation and performance direction. EXA 1-16a

I can use my voice, musical instruments and music technology to discover and enjoy playing with sound, rhythm, pitch and dynamics. EXA 1-17a

Inspired by a range of stimuli, and working on my own or with others, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through musical activities EXA 1-18a


  • Sing individually and as part of a group
  • Keep the beat with movement
  • Sing with good diction and expression
  • Sing at pitch with increasing accuracy
  • Internalise the words of a song/rhyme
  • Use a variety of percussion instruments to play the beat along to songs/music
  • Respond to a leader/conductor by following performance directions to start/stop or sing louder/quieter, faster/slower
  • Recognise and follow hand signs from the pentatonic scale
  • Participate in improvised group music making.

Interdisciplinary Links:  

  • When I engage with others, I know when and how to listen, when to talk, how much to say, when to ask questions and how to respond with respect. LIT 1-02a
  • Representing my class, school and/or wider community encourages my self-worth and confidence and allows me to contribute to and participate in society. HWB 1-12a
  • I am discovering ways that I can link actions and skills to create movement patterns and sequences. This has motivated me to practise and improve my skills to develop control and flow. HWB 1-21a
  • I can follow and understand rules and procedures, developing my ability to achieve personal goals. I recognise and can adopt different roles in a range of practical HWB 1-23a

Welcome song: Hello everyone

Hello everyone, hello everyone, glad that you are here (x2)
Aye, aye, aye aye aye, glad that you are here (x2),

Line 1 – Tap knees to the beat. There are 8 beats in total (x2)
Line 2 – Clap hands to the beat. 4 claps in an upward motion followed by 4 claps in a downward motion to reflect the rise and fall of the melody. (x2)


Sing individually and as part of a group
Keep the beat with movement
Sing with good diction and expression
Sing at pitch with increasing accuracy


March Together

March together keep a beat,
Feel that movement in your feet,
Stand together in a row,
Marching forward off we go.

Sing the song asking the children to echo each line you sing.
Sing the song again with the children singing the echo and everyone marching on the spot to a steady beat.

When considering the starting tempo, bear in mind that a child’s internal beat will be slightly faster than an adult’s, so don’t set it too slow.

Extension: March around the room ‘Army style’ adding in various actions as you


Keep the beat with movement
Internalise the words of a song/rhyme
Use a variety of percussion instruments to play the beat along to songs/music


Various percussion instruments

Coca Cola

Coca Cola went to town
Pepsi Cola knocked him down
Dr Pepper fixed him up
Changed him into 7up.

Say the rhyme whilst keeping a steady beat through various actions (e.g. tapping knees or clicking fingers) or instruments.

Extension: Keep a steady beat but only say the names of the drinks out loud, saying the rest of the words in your ‘thinking’ voice and vice versa.


Sing as part of a group
Keep the beat with movement
Sing at pitch with increasing accuracy
Respond to a leader/conductor by following performance directions to start/stop or sing louder/quieter, faster/slower


Dynamics cards
Tempo cards

I Like Coffee

I like coffee, I like tea,
Can you catch the ball from me?

1-2-3 change places 4-5-6 change places
7-8-9 change places 10 and start again, GO!

Listen to the recording of ’I Like Coffee’ before learning the song ourselves.

The children should stand in a circle with one person in the middle with a ball.
This person (the leader) should bounce the ball to the beat as everyone sings
‘I like coffee, I like tea. Can you catch the ball from me?’

Three/four children could practise being the leader before learning the chanted part of the song.
For the next section, one leader throws the ball to someone on one, the ball is thrown back to the leader on two, the ball is thrown to someone else on three and then the leader and person with the ball changes places. Same for four, five, six, change places, seven, eight, nine, change places, ten – and the person with the ball goes into the middle and the game starts again.


Sing individually and as part of a group
Sing with good diction and expression
Keep the beat with movement
Sing at pitch with increasing accuracy


Ball that bounces well.

Banana Song

Pick banana, pick, pick banana
Peel banana, peel, peel banana
Slice banana, slice, slice banana
Mash banana, mash, mash banana
Eat banana, eat, eat banana
GO bananas, GO, GO bananas (repeat)

Sing the song with accompanying actions with 4 movements per action. (Follow the lyrics for the actions).


Sing individually and as part of a group
Sing with good diction and expression
Keep the beat with movement
Sing at pitch with increasing accuracy


Closing song: Goodbye Everyone

Goodbye everyone, goodbye everyone, glad that you were here (x2)
Aye, aye, aye aye, aye, glad that you were here (x2)

Goodbye everyone, goodbye everyone, glad that you were here (x2)
Aye, aye, aye aye aye, glad that you were here (x2)

The actions from the opening, ‘Hello song’ can be applied here.


Sing individually and as part of a group
Keep the beat with movement
Sing with good diction and expression
Sing at pitch with increasing accuracy
