Music – First Level: Primary 2 – Lesson 2

Experiences and Outcomes:
I can sing and play music from other styles and cultures, showing growing confidence and skill, while learning about musical notation and performance direction. EXA 1-16a

I can use my voice, musical instruments and music technology to discover and enjoy playing with sound, rhythm, pitch and dynamics. EXA 1-17a


  • Keep the beat with movement.
  • Keep the beat with body percussion.
  • Play the beat along to a song/rhyme/music.
  • Use percussion instruments to produce different sounds. (Shake tap, ting, boom)
  • Sing at pitch with increasing accuracy.

Interdisciplinary Links:  

  • When I engage with others, I know when and how to listen, when to talk, how much to say, when to ask questions and how to respond with respect. LIT 1-02a
  • Representing my class, school and/or wider community encourages my self-worth and confidence and allows me to contribute to and participate in society. HWB 1-12a
  • I am discovering ways that I can link actions and skills to create movement patterns and sequences. This has motivated me to practise and improve my skills to develop control and flow. HWB 1-21a
  • I can follow and understand rules and procedures, developing my ability to achieve personal goals. I recognise and can adopt different roles in a range of practical HWB 1-23a

Welcome song: Hello Everyone

Hello everyone, hello everyone, glad that you are here (x2)
Aye, aye, aye aye aye, glad that you are here (x2)

Sing the song, keeping a steady beat with the actions:
Line 1 – tap knees to the beat, there are 8 beats in total. (x2)
Line 2 – Clap hands to the beat. 4 claps in an upward motion followed by 4 claps in a downward motion to reflect the rise and fall of the melody. (x2)

Introduce instruments that shake – egg shakers and maracas (either could be used for this activity depending on what you have available). Give each child an instrument.

Demonstrate keeping a beat with the maraca by tapping the maraca into your other hand while you sing the first 2 lines. Then in the ‘Aye, aye, aye-aye, aye’ section shake the maraca upwards four times and then down four times to keep the beat. Then ask the children to join in and all sing the song, keeping a beat with the maracas/egg shakers.


  • Play the beat along to a song/rhyme/music.
  • Keep the beat with movement and body percussion.


Egg shakers
‘Beat’ flashcard

Musical Instruments

Introduce and discuss a range of instruments which make shake (maraca), tap (claves) ting (triangle) and boom (drum) sounds.

Simon Says
Split the class into 4 groups and give each group a different type of instrument (shake, tap, ting, boom). Then give the instructions ‘Simon says shake group play’ or ‘Simon says ting group play’. If you don’t say simon says then the group shouldn’t play. After playing the game a few times, groups could be eliminated and you end up with a winning group.


  • Use percussion instruments to produce different sounds. (Shake tap, ting, boom)
  • Play the beat along to a song/rhyme/music.


Use a variety of untuned percussion instruments. E.g. Maracas, claves, drum, triangle.

No Robbers Out Today

No robbers out today, no robbers out today,
For we are singing on our way, no robbers out today.

Sit in a circle with one child in the middle and 4 instruments (1 shake, 1 tap, 1 ting, 1 boom). The child in the middle closes their eyes while we sing the song. The teacher choses a child to be the ‘robber’ and take an instrument from the middle. When they get back to their space they play 4 beats on the instrument and put it behind their back. Everyone else puts their hands behind their back and the child in the middle has to name the instrument they heard and guess who stole it.


  • Use percussion instruments to produce different sounds. (Shake tap, ting, boom)
  • Play the beat.
  • Sing at pitch with increasing accuracy.


Use a variety of untuned percussion instruments. E.g. Maracas, claves, drum, triangle.

Go Bananas

Bananas assemble!
Pick banana, pick pick banana (x2)
Repeat with: peel, slice, mash, eat, go!

Sing song with accompanying actions with 4 movements per action. (Follow the lyric for action).


  • Keep the beat with movement.


Closing song: Goodbye Everyone

Goodbye everyone, goodbye everyone, glad that you were here (x2)
Aye, aye, aye aye aye, glad that you were here (x2)

The actions from the opening, ‘Hello song’ can be applied here.


  • Keep the beat with body percussion.
  • Sing at pitch with increasing accuracy.
