EXA RA for return of Senior Phase Practical Subjects

Good afternoon,

With the return of Senior Phase young people for Practical Subjects, we have been considering the guidance in terms of the practical elements of the Expressive Arts.

In terms of the Instrumental Music Service, there has been an extremely high engagement with digital lessons and for that reason, in consultation with Maureen Mc Kenna, we have decided that in the main we will be continuing to deliver lessons in this way. However, where a young person has not been able to access lessons in this way, then arrangements will be made for face to face lessons. This includes young people who will require access to larger percussion instruments which they do not have at home. Where appropriate and to assist with timetables, in some instances, young people may be in school and tutors may be teaching from home. In addition, tutors will be available to support face to face recordings for evidence purposes and portfolios. All face to face teaching should be arranged in consultation with Faculty Heads or Music Leads and Pamela Black.

IMS Tutors will be able to access COVID Lateral Flow Tests from the schools they are working in – this is not required to their base school.

I have attached the guidance and all schools are asked to review this in terms of their own Risk Assessments. I ask you to particularly note that for both Music and Drama, there is a necessity for rooms to be large and well ventilated with the minimum requirement being an open window to the outside to allow for circulation of air in the room. It is acceptable if there is air conditioning which vents outside and does not re-circulate air within the room.

For both subjects, masks should be worn at all times other than when a young person is playing a musical instrument which would require it to be removed for that period only. It is also advised that a plastic screen is placed between the teacher and the pupil to ensure the highest level of safety. We have looked into the best way to source these which I have included below.

We are concerned that it still remains that dance cannot be taught indoors and we have raised this with the SQA with the hope that this will be revised.

I include the links to the guidance and it is the responsibility of each school to include this in their individual risk assessments. However, should you wish to discuss anything then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Practical activities guidelines | COVID-19 education recovery | National Improvement Hub




Aroc Compliance, they’re on PECOS and are one of the approved H&S/COVID suppliers.

Cora Zonfrillo
Managing Director
Head Office: 01324 622 776
Mobile: 07736335996
Unit 6 Etna Court Ind Est, Etna Road, Falkirk FK2 9EQ




E-Portfolio tag: Expressive arts