Music – Early Level: Primary 1 – Listening Lesson

Learners will engage in active listening and discuss their thoughts and feelings in response to contrasting pieces of music. Learners will be encouraged to make links between music and their emotions and to talk about the music concepts and instruments they hear.

Experiences and Outcomes:

I can respond to music by describing my thoughts and feelings about my own and others’ work EXA 0-19a

Learning Intentions

  • We are learning to link music with our emotions
  • We are learning to recognise fast and slow, loud and quiet sounds
  • We are learning to recognise instruments and voices

Success Criteria

  • I am able to talk about how the music makes me feel
  • I am able to listen to talk about whether the music is fast or slow, loud or quiet
  • I am able to talk about some instruments and/or voices that I hear


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