Music – Early Level: Primary 1 – Lesson 8

Experiences and Outcomes:
I enjoy singing and playing along to music of different styles and cultures. EXA 0-16a
I have the freedom to use my voice, musical instruments and music technology to discover and enjoy playing with sound and rhythm. EXA 0-17a


  • Keep the beat with actions
  • Sing with some understanding of pitch (higher and lower)
  • Sing/chant individually and/or as part of a group
  • Differentiate between a speaking and singing voice
  • Sing/chant with a louder and quieter voice
  • Sing/chant at a faster or slower tempo
  • Experiment with the voice and create different sounds
  • Play the beat
  • Play with louder/quieter dynamics
  • Experiment with sounds of different percussion instruments (shake/tap/ting/boom)

Interdisciplinary Links:

  • I enjoy exploring and playing with the patterns and sounds of language and can use what I learn LIT 0-01a / LIT 0-11a / LIT 0-20a
  • As I listen and talk in different situations, I am learning to take turns and am developing my awareness of when to talk and when to listen LIT 0-02a / ENG 0-03a
  • I am learning to move my body well, exploring how to manage and control it and finding out how to use and share space HWB 0-21a
  • I am developing my movement skills through practice and energetic play HWB 0-22a
  • I am aware of my own and others’ needs and feeling, especially when taking turns and sharing resources. I recognise the need to follow rules HWB 0-23a

Activities Skills Resources

Welcome song: Hello everyone
Hello everyone, hello everyone, glad that you are here (x2)
Aye, aye, aye aye aye, glad that you are here (x2)

Sing the song, keeping a steady beat with the actions:
Line 1 – tap knees to the beat, there are 8 beats in total. (x2)
Line 2 – Clap hands to the beat. 4 claps in an upward motion followed by 4 claps in a downward motion to reflect the rise and fall of the melody. (x2)

Keep the beat with actions Audio Player

Teacher: Have you got your… speaking/singing/thinking/loud/quiet/high/low/whispering voice?
Children: Yes I’ve got my… speaking/singing/thinking/loud/quiet/high/low whispering voice

This vocal warm-up should be delivered as call and response – children listen and then respond by copying the way the teacher has used their voice.
Repeat for high voice, low voice, whispering voice and finish on with singing voice each time.
Children can suggest other fun ways to use their voice e.g. a robot voice.

Differentiate between a speaking and singing voice

Experiment with the voice and create different sounds

Audio Player

Voice flashcards

Hubble Bubble Pot
Hubble bubble, hubble bubble
What’s in the pot?
Hubble bubble, hubble bubble
What have we got?

Put a selection of picture cards or objects into a large pot (or cauldron).

Sitting in a circle, everyone should keep the beat on their knees as they chant the rhyme – one child can use a spoon to mix the pot to the beat.
The child then chooses a card/object from the pot and says what sound it starts with.
Pass the pot to another child who picks a second card/object and says what sound it starts with to see if the initial sounds of the two cards/objestcs match.
If so, put them together in a hoop in the middle of the circle.
Can the children list any other words (not included in the game) that start with the same sound?

If the initial sounds don’t match, leave the cards/objects on the floor outside the hoop until a match is found.

Keep the beat with actions

Sing/chant individually and/or as part of a group

Play the beat

Pot and spoon

Objects or picture cards – some with same initial sound.


There Once Was A Frog
There once was a frog who jumped in a bog
He played on a fiddle in the middle of a puddle
What a muddle
Better go round
Better go roundCat – mat
Fly – tie
Bees – keys

Circle game
Everyone stands in a circle and one child is chosen to be the frog in the middle. Sing the song and the children will walk around whilst the frog jumps in the middle for the first line and pretends to play the fiddle for the second line. During the third line, “better go round”, whilst the children are still moving, the frog turns around on the spot and then chooses another child to go in the centre.

The next child thinks of a new animal and a new place to jump e.g.
There once was a dog who slept on a log,
There once was a snake who swam in a lake,
There once was a hen who ran in a pen etc.

Everyone sings this new verse whilst the children in the middle perform the actions in the centre.

Keep the beat with actions

Sing/chant individually and/or as part of a group

Sing with some understanding of pitch (higher and lower)

Audio Player

Shake, shake, shake
Shake up, shake, shake, shake, shakity shake
Shake down, shake, shake, shake, shakity shake (x2)
To the front and the back, and the side, side, side (x2)
And around(x2)

Using call and response (chant a line and they chant it back) teach the rhyme to the children.
Add in movements; hands shaking up high, hands shaking down low, clap to the front, clap to the back, hands to the side and finally, hands making a horizontal circle motion.
Children can keep the beat and do the actions using an instrument which makes a ‘shake’ sound e.g. maracas, egg shakers.

Vary the tempo or dynamics each time the rhyme is repeated.

Keep the beat with actions

Sing/chant individually and/or as part of a group

Sing/chant at a faster or slower tempo

Play the beat

Play with louder/quieter dynamics

Experiment with sounds of different percussion instruments (shake/tap/ting/boom)

Audio Player

Shakers, Maracas (optional)

Go Bananas
Bananas assemble!
Pick banana, pick pick banana (x2)
Repeat with: peel, slice, mash, eat, go!

Ask children to come up with actions for ‘pick, peel, slice, mash, eat and go bannanas’ which they can perform to a steady beat.
Teach the song line by line with the actions – try starting the song quietly, gradually getting louder towards the end.
Perform the song all the way through along to the recorded track if you can.

Keep the beat with actions

Sing with some understanding of pitch (higher and lower)

Sing/chant individually and/or as part of a group

Audio Player

Backing track

Closing song: Goodbye Everyone
Goodbye everyone, goodbye everyone, glad that you were here (x2)
Aye, aye, aye aye aye, glad that you were here (x2)

Repeat with same actions used for ‘Hello Everyone’.

Keep the beat with actions. Audio Player

E-Portfolio tag: Expressive arts