Experiences and Outcomes:
I enjoy singing and playing along to music of different styles and cultures. EXA 0-16a
I have the freedom to use my voice, musical instruments and music technology to discover and enjoy playing with sound and rhythm. EXA 0-17a
- Keep the beat with actions
- Sing with some understanding of pitch (higher and lower)
- Sing/chant individually and/or as part of a group
- Differentiate between a speaking and singing voice
- Experiment with the voice and create different sounds
- Sing/chant with a louder or quieter voice
Interdisciplinary Links:
- I enjoy exploring and playing with the patterns and sounds of language and can use what I learn LIT 0-01a / LIT 0-11a / LIT 0-20a
- As I listen and talk in different situations, I am learning to take turns and am developing my awareness of when to talk and when to listen LIT 0-02a / ENG 0-03a
- I am learning to move my body well, exploring how to manage and control it and finding out how to use and share space HWB 0-21a
- I am developing my movement skills through practice and energetic play HWB 0-22a
- I am aware of my own and others’ needs and feeling, especially when taking turns and sharing resources. I recognise the need to follow rules HWB 0-23a
Activities | Skills | Resources |
Welcome song: Hello everyone Sing the song, keeping a steady beat with the actions: Line 1 – tap knees to the beat, there are 8 beats in total. (x2) |
Keep the beat with actions. | |
Voices Children: Yes I’ve got my… speaking/singing/thinking/loud/quiet/high/low whispering voice This vocal warm-up should be delivered as call and response – children listen and then respond by copying the way the teacher has used their voice. Repeat for high voice, low voice, whispering voice and finish on with singing voice each time. Children can suggest other fun ways to use their voice e.g. a robot voice. |
Differentiate between a speaking and singing voice. Experiment with the voice and create different sounds. |
Singing Names Sitting in a circle, the teacher should sing ‘Hello, what’s your name?’ to each child in turn and encourage each child to sing back ‘My name is…’ Ask the children to use a ‘singing voice’ and to try to match the pitch of your voice. A pop-up puppet or finger puppet can be used to encourage children to sing individually – hide it away while you sing and then pop it up when the child sings back. Alternatively, a puppet/object can be passed around the circle, and each child passes it on to the person next to them after their turn. If a child is reluctant to sing on their own then the whole group should help by singing with them. |
Sing individually. Sing with some understanding of pitch (higher and lower). |
Puppet |
Touch your shoulders, touch your knees Teach as call and response and then sing the song through with the children using the actions to keep a steady beat. Explore singing this song at different speeds, gradually getting faster and faster! Each action is performed twice (tap shoulders twice, then knees twice etc). However, line two is slightly different – raise each arm individually and then lower individually to cover the 4 beats for that line. |
Keep the beat with actions. | |
Clap Your Hands Sing this song as call and response. The teacher should sing and keep a steady beat using an action, then the children copy. Each action is performed once on each of the 8 beats – change the action each time the song is repeated e.g. march your feet, nod your head, tap your knees etc. Ask the children to come up with some other verses using different actions to keep a beat. |
Keep the beat with actions. |
Claves |
Closing song: Goodbye Everyone Repeat with same actions used for ‘Hello Everyone’. |
Keep the beat with actions. |