This week P7 have been learning all about…
I can’t wait until Monday because of school football tournament. #Cleevesfootball – Shalom P7
This week I have enjoyed swimming because we got to play in the pool for 15 minutes. #swimming – Morgan P7
This week we learned about the rock cycle and tornadoes #Topic – Paige P7
I went swimming and we were swimming through hoops before we went back to school. #swimming – Parsa P7
This week I found doing remainders hard so I need to practise. – Ronan P7
This week in PE we learned a different version of knots and crosses. #knotsandcrossesisop – Jack P7
This is what we have been learning in P7 this week…
I have learned a lot about Pompeii #volcano – Thomas P7
We did the backstroke in swimming this week #candonow – Gary P7
I can now estimate #mathedit – Teigan P7
I really liked learning about Pompeii and what happened #romans -Codi P7
I like the natural disasters #gonaturaldisasters – Chardonnay P7
This is what we have learnt this week in P7.
I really liked going over division this week #diveintodivision – Holly P7
I have learned lots about numbers below zero #numbers – Rio P7
I enjoyed learning about all the layers of the earth #science #earth – Jodi P7
This week we learned about how tsunamis are caused – under water earthquake# underthesea – Kian P7
We’ve been learning about Earth’s materials in science and we’ve learnt that it’s very hot in the centre of the earth. #ouch! – Kathryn P7
Just another – Glasgow site