Tag Archives: Primary 7

P7’s Weekly Thoughts…

This week P7 have been learning…

Topic was fun this week #topic Callum

I enjoyed doing maths this week because I can find out the total of a budget #maths Emmalee

This week I enjoyed writing about World War Two! #Writing #WorldWarTwo ~Beth

This is our last week of school for 2 weeks #SuchWOW – Paige

I liked drinking mocktails. #Boozebusters ~Kathryn


P7 would like to wish everyone a very happy holiday!!


P7’s Weekly Thoughts…

This week P7 have been learning…

I enjoyed building the top of my car. Abbie k p7  #WW2 #cars

I enjoyed making the car with Beth. Jodi  p7 #crafting #fun

I enjoyed making my world war 2 model plane. Dylan p7 #itwasfun #worldwar2 #plane #model #allbymyself

I enjoyed building models for our topic world war. Parsa p7 #worldwar2

This week we did our car models #Armyjeep#spitfire#fun. Gary p7