Tag Archives: natural disasters

Awesome Earthquakes

At the end of last term as part of our learning in STEM, P7 designed and built earthquake proof buildings and tested them! First we had to build them. we used cocktail sticks and marshmallows.

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Here are some of our buildings.

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Next we had to test them. We used a tray of jelly because it wobbled like an earthquake! We timed each of our buildings to see how long it stood for.

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Almost all of our buildings survived the earthquake!! Although a few did collapse!

We really enjoyed learning all about earthquakes and how buildings are built to survive them. It was great fun making our own buildings and testing them!!

P7’s Weekly Thoughts…

This week P7 have been learning all about…

I can’t wait until Monday because of school football tournament. #Cleevesfootball – Shalom P7

This week I have enjoyed swimming because we got to play in the pool for 15 minutes. #swimming – Morgan P7

This week we learned about the rock cycle and tornadoes #Topic – Paige P7

I went swimming and we were swimming through hoops before we went back to school. #swimming – Parsa P7

This week I found doing  remainders hard so I need to practise. – Ronan P7

This week in PE we learned a different version of knots and crosses. #knotsandcrossesisop – Jack P7


P7’s Thoughts of the Week…

This is what we have been learning in P7 this week…

I have learned a lot about Pompeii #volcano – Thomas P7

We did the backstroke in swimming this week #candonow – Gary P7

I can now estimate #mathedit – Teigan P7

I really liked learning about Pompeii and what happened #romans -Codi P7

I like the natural disasters #gonaturaldisasters – Chardonnay P7




P7’s Tweets of the Week…

This is what we have learnt this week in P7.

I really liked going over division this week #diveintodivision – Holly P7

I have learned lots about numbers below zero #numbers – Rio P7

I enjoyed learning about all the layers of the earth #science #earth – Jodi P7

This week we learned about how tsunamis are caused – under water earthquake# underthesea – Kian P7

We’ve been learning about Earth’s materials in science and we’ve learnt that it’s very hot in the centre of the earth. #ouch! – Kathryn P7
