Tag Archives: maths

3d shape

Last week we were learning about 3D shape. The children were sorting the 3D shapes – all different colours and sizes.

in the construction area children were using the big blocks to create their own constructions.

Layla noticed that the unifix cubes were a cube shape and investigated what she could build with them.

Time for an update…P1

Sorry we have been so quiet recently – a lot has been happening over the last few weeks: we had visitors from Hillpark Secondary – asking us about our favourite toys and using that information to make toys for us.

2d shape

The boys and girls have been learning to name and identify 2d shapes.  They enjoyed copying shape pictures and using marshmallows and cocktail sticks to mKe their own 2d shapes – helping to understand the terms ‘corners’ and ‘sides’.

Road Safety Week

During road safety week the boys and girls learned where and how to cross the road safely.

Class Dojo

Lots of points being earned through our ‘Class Dojo’. Look at some of the children who have reached 50 points so far and received a certificate Home! Well done 😀

Maths & Literacy


During our science activities we have been learning about forces. This week we were making our own boats and will be using them to investigate floating and sinking but also finding different ways to make the boat move across the water.

Primary 1

Welcome to our Blog update this week, we hope you enjoy it 🙂



In ICT this week the children were much more confident at using their mouse to point and click.  With a partner they successfully opened up the internet page and selected a programme from the ‘favourites’ section.


In STEM this week we were learning all about different forces.  The children were becoming familiar with and confident with the words – push and pull and how to use them in the correct context.  They had great fun exploring how toys moved and how we use the forces of ‘push’ and ‘pull’ when playing games – tug of war, climbing the wall, basket ball and playing with a ball.


We started the week off by having a number hunt outside and the boys and girls were great number detectives and managed to hunt out the numbers 1-10 and they used their clipboard to record the numbers they found.

This week we were learning to add.  We explored the language of addition, familiarised ourselves with the symbols and came to the understanding that when we add we are creating a bigger number.  The children did this by counting to see how many objects there were ‘altogether’.


This week the children were introduced to some words – some words we can sound out and some are tricky and we just need to try and learn them.

The Enchanted Forest

The boys and girls used the talking tub to decide what they wanted to learn about for their new topic – ‘The Enchanted Forest’.

The picked an item out of the box that interested them and told us what they knew already and what they wanted to learn about next.

P7’s Weekly Thoughts…

This week P7 have been learning…

Topic was fun this week #topic Callum

I enjoyed doing maths this week because I can find out the total of a budget #maths Emmalee

This week I enjoyed writing about World War Two! #Writing #WorldWarTwo ~Beth

This is our last week of school for 2 weeks #SuchWOW – Paige

I liked drinking mocktails. #Boozebusters ~Kathryn


P7 would like to wish everyone a very happy holiday!!


We Love Learning in Primary 1

‘We love to go outside and learn’ – Ava

The boys and girls enjoyed going outside and writing their cvc words.


‘We went on a common word hunt’ – Ross


The children have been learning to measure the length of objects using cubes, paperclips and giants feet.

‘We used scales to weigh objects’ – Ethan

The boys and girls chose an object for one side of the scale and then put cubes in the other side until they ‘balanced’.  It was great fun!