It has been another busy week in Primary 1. The boys and girls have settled very well into the routines of school. They are enjoying the range of learning experiences.
The children have been introduced to digital technologies through the use of digital cameras. The children have enjoyed taking pictures themselves of work they are proud of.
This week we have been focusing on 1-1 correspondence, number recognition and repeat colour patterns.
Another great week over for our Primary 1 children. They have been working hard this week on their sounds, numbers and listening for rhyming words in Incy Wincy Spider.
‘1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive…’
The boys and girls trying hard to form their numbers.
There will be a primary 1 reading workshop on Thursday 25th August at 9.15am. Please come along and hear all about how we will be teaching your child to read.