Tag Archives: learning

P7’s day out at Hillpark

Last week P7 went to Hillpark for a STEM day.

First of all we made rockets to launch later that day. We made them out of card and sticky tape. Next we had our break and it was delicious.

Then we went to maths and learned how to find the average speed of our rocket. After that we went to science to launch our rockets outside to see how far they went.

After we launched our rockets we went for lunch. It was very tasty.

After lunch we tried to recreate our rockets in ICT. They were amazing. Here are some pictures from the day.

By Ewan, Jodi, Teigan and Kiera-Leigh

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Trick or Treat …

We started off the week with all the children being replaced by scary figures…..but not to panic they had all been returned by Tuesday.cimg2235 cimg2236 cimg2237 cimg2238 cimg2241cimg2239 cimg2240

The boys and girls started blending this week and we were so impressed with their knowledge of their sounds and how they applied them to blending to make words.


A big well done to Ethan for getting a place at the Golden Table!!











We’re back….

Primary 1 have just finished their first week back after the October holiday.  Have a look at all their hard work.


The children applied their knowledge of their senses and repeat patterns to design and then make fruit kebabs….yummy!!

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We finished learning our initial sounds this week but we had great fun learning about x and we made our own x-ray pictures.

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P3 STEM in Action

Primary 3 welcome you to their blog page.  We hope you enjoy our first post.  Please leave us a comment!

This term Primary 3 have been developing their science and STEM skills through a range of activities linked to our topic ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch.

The children weaved their own baskets and designed a pulley system just like in the story. have a look at our creations!

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Mrs Ali posted a video of how we were able to design a pulley system to get the basket with yummy food across to Mr Grinling!

Click on the link below to watch us in action!



Look at how we learn….

Number Time

The children really are really engaging in the range of different learning opportunities happening in and out of the classroom.  This week we have been focusing on number ordering, formation and being able to sort objects into sets.  Here are some examples of the children hard at work.

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Shape Hunt

We took advantage of the nicer afternoons this week and we went on a shape hunt.  The children were looking for examples of 2d shapes in their environment.

Shape detectives in action:

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Fun with letters and words

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Primary 1 hope you enjoyed their learning journey this week.  Have a lovely weekend!

Busy Bees…

Wow what a busy week have had.  We had been busy preparing our songs for the Macmillan Coffee Afternoon but we managed to squeeze some more fun learning in!  Have a look at us in action…

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I wonder if you can guess which letter we were learning about?

Yip that’s right ‘l’ – the boys are girls made lollipop crafts to reinforce that sound! Mmm they look good don’t they.

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It’s very important that we reinforce our sounds so we did this through sorting activities and roll and cover activities.

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The children have started to read, write and identify common words – watch out we have some new readers about 🙂


A listening station has been introduced at language time.  The children really enjoy listening to stories and telling us about what they listened to.

P7’s Weekly Thoughts…

This week P7 have been learning all about…

I can’t wait until Monday because of school football tournament. #Cleevesfootball – Shalom P7

This week I have enjoyed swimming because we got to play in the pool for 15 minutes. #swimming – Morgan P7

This week we learned about the rock cycle and tornadoes #Topic – Paige P7

I went swimming and we were swimming through hoops before we went back to school. #swimming – Parsa P7

This week I found doing  remainders hard so I need to practise. – Ronan P7

This week in PE we learned a different version of knots and crosses. #knotsandcrossesisop – Jack P7


Mrs Macadam – Literacy for All

Mrs Macadam is Cleeves Primary Schools Challenge Leader of Learning (CLOL) and she says that Wednesdays are not the same anymore thanks to LOL (Leaders of Learning) and Literacy for All.  Teachers teaching teachers, to teach children and, help raise attainment in Glasgow.  Thank you to all LOL for revisiting good teaching strategies to help CLOL’s (challenge Leaders of Learning) help our schools raise attainment in Literacy; in particular reading.

Mrs Macadam will be sharing what she learns with all the staff at Cleeves.  Keep watching this space for updates.