Tag Archives: fun

P7’s Weekly Thoughts…

This week we have been learning…

This week I enjoyed doing the sawing. #Sawdust – Kian P7

This week on world book day I brought in my book jacket I made at home I was allowed to give it in .#Worldbookday – Jack P7

I like making the cars.#worldwarII – ChardonayP7

I really enjoyed trying to find Wally on world book day. #ReadmoreBooks – Holly P7

I enjoyed making the chassis. #Cars – Thomas P7

P7’s trip to Blairvadach

P7 had a fantastic week at Blairvadach. We got to try out lots of new activities and overcame lots of challenges! We tried climbing, mountain biking, hill walking, the ropes course and gorge walking!! We all had to work together as a team to help each other during the activities. Everyone enjoyed themselves and had a great time but we were very tired when we got home!

Last week I enjoyed cycling. – Sarah-Louise

At Blairvadach I enjoyed doing the gorge walk and sharing a room with Annalise and Kathryn #Gorgewalking #Besties – Beth

At Blairvadach I enjoyed playing pool in the lounge #pool – James

At Blairvadach we climbed a “Mountain”#ConicHill – Paige

At Blairvadach I really enjoyed the tuck shop and playing air hockey in the lounge. #Blairvadach ~ Kathryn


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In Term 3 our topic is Fairyland. The children will be helping the friendly dragon to rebuild Fairyland by completing some tasks. Keep an eye out on our blog to follow our journey rebuilding Fairyland.

It has been such a BUSY first week helping the dragon 🐉.  The boys and girls helped to find the Gingerbread man before the old man, old woman or the sly fox found him.


The children received a letter form the dragon! It was very exciting…



Then the boys and girls wrote back to him…


The dragon needed help to find the Gingerbread man…


The children solved the riddles to find the clues…

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Phew! We found him and he is safe…


Then the boys and girls designed their own Gingerbread men.


What a busy first week, we can’t wait to receive our next letter from the dragon 🐉.


Special Visitors…..

Today we had a wonderful surprise……2 of  Santa’s very special helpers had taken time out of their very busy schedule to come and visit all the boys and girls in Cleeves.  The boys and girls really loved meeting the elves and the 2 reindeer.

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We then came back to class to see that Buddy the elf had left us a little treat from the North Pole bakery.

Primary 1

It has been a very busy couple of weeks in school and we haven’t had time to update our blog page….have a look at all the fun learning that has taken place over the last couple of weeks.


At language time we have been continuing with our learning of cvc words through onset and rime.  The boys and girls really love jumping through the hoops to sound out nee words.

We also have been using the IPAD and listening station to develop our listening skills.

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The boys and girls have been learning all about money.  They can successfully identify all coins up to £1.  They have enjoyed sorting the coins and using the coins to pay for items in the shop.


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