All posts by Miss Rendall

P5, P6 and P7 Go To “Go Yellow!”

On Wednesday the 31st of May P5, P6 and P7 went to go yellow for the day. They did a 5k walk at Bellahouston park to raise money for the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice. They played in the park, hung about with the mascots and played at all the activities that they set up.

There were also some animals joining in the fun! There was a horse called Spencer who was a famous Clydesdale and a highland cow with its little baby. Spencer was a very proud horse, he had chestnut hair, and white feathers on his feet. He was there with his owner who was talking to all the children about how hard looking after horses were and the responsibility’s of looking after them. The highland cows were making funny noises. When we left we shouted “GOODBYE!” and the mother cow made a great big “MOOOOO” and everybody laughed.

Near the end of the day there was a mascot race with the winner being a blue bird, then a little while later there was a mascot dance off then the winner of that was Champ The Chimp then there was free time for people to go up on the stage to dance sadly when Cleeves was just about to go up we had to leave.

It was a great day and we all had lots of fun!!


P7’s Weekly Thoughts…

This week P7 have been learning…

Topic was fun this week #topic Callum

I enjoyed doing maths this week because I can find out the total of a budget #maths Emmalee

This week I enjoyed writing about World War Two! #Writing #WorldWarTwo ~Beth

This is our last week of school for 2 weeks #SuchWOW – Paige

I liked drinking mocktails. #Boozebusters ~Kathryn


P7 would like to wish everyone a very happy holiday!!


P7’s Weekly Thoughts…

This week P7 have been learning…

I enjoyed building the top of my car. Abbie k p7  #WW2 #cars

I enjoyed making the car with Beth. Jodi  p7 #crafting #fun

I enjoyed making my world war 2 model plane. Dylan p7 #itwasfun #worldwar2 #plane #model #allbymyself

I enjoyed building models for our topic world war. Parsa p7 #worldwar2

This week we did our car models #Armyjeep#spitfire#fun. Gary p7