Cleeves Parent Council AGM will be held on the 15th September at 2pm in Room 4. Everyone is welcome to come along and hear about what the Parent Council do to support our school. If you can’t make it along on that date or are wanting to join or simply ask some questions then please email them on the following address:
The Primary 1 and 2 children in Cleeves will be receiving specialist music tuition on a Wednesday until the new year then it will be rolled out to other classes in the school. However if you wish your child to partake in music classes outwith school have a look at the wonderful opportunity CREATE are offering.
Another great week over for our Primary 1 children. They have been working hard this week on their sounds, numbers and listening for rhyming words in Incy Wincy Spider.
‘1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive…’
The boys and girls trying hard to form their numbers.
There will be a primary 1 reading workshop on Thursday 25th August at 9.15am. Please come along and hear all about how we will be teaching your child to read.
Primary 1 have had a wonderful first FULL week at school. They have been learning about different letters and their sounds. Have a look at some of their wonderful work.
“I used playdough to make a ‘s’ and I was good at it.” – Emma
” I’m writing ‘s’ and coloured the snake” – Millie
The boys and girls also enjoyed investigating at the construction area.
“I made a duck and it has a green head and 1 eye” – Bo
All the children have completed their first full week back at school after the summer and would like to share what they have enjoyed most about their first week back…