
In Term 3 our topic is Fairyland. The children will be helping the friendly dragon to rebuild Fairyland by completing some tasks. Keep an eye out on our blog to follow our journey rebuilding Fairyland.

It has been such a BUSY first week helping the dragon ๐Ÿ‰. ย The boys and girls helped to find the Gingerbread man before the old man, old woman or the sly fox found him.


The children received a letter form the dragon! It was very exciting…



Then the boys and girls wrote back to him…


The dragon needed help to find the Gingerbread man…


The children solved the riddles to find the clues…

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Phew! We found him and he is safe…


Then the boys and girls designed their own Gingerbread men.


What a busy first week, we can’t wait to receive our next letter from the dragon ๐Ÿ‰.


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