Primary 1

Jack and the Beanstalk

This term Primary 1 have been developing their literacy, numeracy, technology and play skills through Fairytales.

Last week we were reading Jack and the Beanstalk and engaged in lots of different activities – including one that involved eating.

The boys and girls were bean tasting – banked beans, green beans, kidney beans, broad beans and lastly YUMMY jelly beans 😀. The children were tasked with trying different types of beans and explaining what they tasted like and if they liked them or not. They were then rewarded with some jelly beans!!

A lot of children enjoyed the beans and even came back for a second visit – Amy, Thomas and Alana really enjoyed tasting the different beans.  Some children weren’t keen on the taste and texture of the beans.


After lunch we came back to find lots of giants feet had been left for us.  We used the Giants feet to measure the distances to different objects in our classroom.  The children worked in groups to lay out the Giants feet and counting them.



This term we are investigating time so we set up a time area in our classroom.


we are working very hard at developing our ICT skills. The boys and girls can successfully log on to a computer, open Microsoft word, type their name and manipulate the size, colour and font of the text.


Sometimes we have worries and fears and together we help each other out. We played at dentists to help one wee girl overcome her fear of the dentist. we spoke about what happens when we go to the dentist and the role of the dentist then we had a go at being the dentist or patient.

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