Should homework be banned or not? Should pupils get less homework? We spoke to the teachers of Bellahouston Academy.
Deputy Head, Mr Keatings said “We don’t need homework but if any work is not completed in class then take it home to finish it off.”
He said, “If you have been absent or need to catch up then homework is fair”.
We also have asked one of our English teachers. Mrs Gardener said, “It’s important for pupils to spend time at home revising for topics in greater detail.”
She also said that homework is fair “depending what it is.”
“If teachers could communicate with each other and not overload pupils with homework and only to give one homework for one subject a week.”
“I like giving homework because you have to learn to be independent and it encourages pupils and helps pupils to learn time management.”
A parent of a Bellahouston student said, “Yes pupils should get at least half an hour of homework to make you learn and get you more educated.”
She went on to say “Homework is fair and its good getting it because it helps your mind think over with what you have done throughout the day.”
President Holland in France has banned homework throughout primary and secondary schools, but it doesn’t look like homework is going anywhere in Scottish schools.
By Kamni (12)and Nimra (12).