Tag Archives: BBC Schools Report

What Do You Think About Bullying?

Click on the photo to your below to see the full interview

Brian Donnelly, Director of Respectme,  Scotland’s Anti-Bullying Sevice was kind enough to let us interview him. Here’s what he said;

So, Brian, do you think schools are reluctant to admit to having a bullying problem?

Sadly, some are. I’ve met many head teachers who say; ‘There is no bullying in this school’. Its not as common any more, this attitude, but it still exists.

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Beckham new Ambassador for China’s footie Super League

Recently David Beckham was asked to be the Ambassador of Football for China. Even though he is 37 years of age he can still play well in a suit as was shown on his recent trup to Beijing. He will be there to improve their reputation of  football for China. His job will involve teaching Chinese children how to play football. Even though the children know how to watch football they don’t know how to play football. David will be the Ambassador of Football for China until they want a different person to be the ambassador. David will be visiting China every two months.

YouTube Copywrite Issues

By Conner Dudfield

On YouTube there are many rules and regulations such as copywrite which can put hard working You Tubers out of business on the highly favourited website. For one person that means a lot to him and he has over 50,000 subscribers. His name is Daniel Bull.  It is basically his job yet he almost got sued for an audio clip involved in his music video. And of this he is now hated by most of the other musician’s fans.

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Quality Improvement Officer impressed with visit to Lourdes

On the 21st of March 2013, Mrs Innes the Quality Improvement Officer for Glasgow City Countil visited Lourdes Secondary School in Cardonald, Glasgow.

Mrs Innes has visited 13 schools in Glasgow including Lourdes over the last few months. She doesn’t just visit Secondaries but also visits primary schools, nurseries and disability schools too. Continue reading Quality Improvement Officer impressed with visit to Lourdes

Scottish Independence

We went about our school asking teachers and senior pupils whether they wished Scotland independent or not. We also asked if they agree that 16 year olds could vote.

47% Said that they would vote for independence.

53% Said they wouldn’t.


50% Said 16 year olds should be able to vote.

50% Said they shouldn’t.


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