Quick Fire Interview: Matt Dickinson

Author-Adventure-Film maker extraordinaire Matt Dickenson has been around the world on expeditions to places like Antarctic, The Sahara Desert and even the summit of Mt Everest, but his most recent adventure has been writing. He answered a few questions about himself and his new book Deep Oblivion

Who is your favourite author?
My favourite author is probably J.R.R Tolkien, the author of the Lord of the Rings series. I also really like Patrick Ness he wrote a boom trilogy that I love a lot.

What is your favourite book?
Lord Of The Rings is probably my favourite book series. It inspired me the most when I was a child, it made me want to read more and become interested in books.

What has been your proudest achievement?
My proudest achievement is probably when I was standing on the summit of Mt Everest. I was there making a film

If you could read one book for the rest of your life what book would it be and why?
I would probably choose The Little Prince. It is a very inspiring and philosophical book and it really restores your faith in humanity.

Tell us something no one knows about you?
I have eaten a cheese sandwich on top of the great pyramid.

Who is your greatest influence?
My greatest influence would have to be sir Edmund Hillary. He was the first man to climb Everest; he also raised a lot of money for charity. He was a very inspirational man.

Tell us about your new book?
My new book is the 3rd in the Mortal chaos series it is a dark, thrilling exiting book. It is a book for younger readers and should appeal to both boys and girls.

By Lewis Kerr

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