Had A Blast At The School Mass

On the 9th of February 2013 1st year, 6th year and the Student Council celebrated a mass with the Most Reverand Archbishop Philip Tartaglia. We also invited the Head Teachers from most of the local primary schools. Including, Lourdes Primary and Our lady of the rosary primary. The parent council was also invited. The mass lasted for just under 2 hours and was for the celebration of Our Lady of Lourdes which was on the following Saturday.
The children were put into there classes based on the house they were in. (e.g. Jedburgh) There was an exception though, the student council was sat separately. Myself Lewis Kelly and my classmate Brandon Connelly represented our class (1J1) at the mass, because we were selected to be our classes student council representatives by the year head. The Archbishop encouraged us first years to “listen to Jesus.” He told us to especially remember the time where Jesus turned water into wine.
After Mass, the Archbishop joined invited guests and S6 Caritas pupils for a celebratory lunch. A number of liturgical and fun events took place throughout the day. Monsignor Gilmartin and Father John Carroll also celebrated with us.
At the end of the mass everyone who attended and was willing to receive got a gold cross which had been blessed by
the Most Reverand Archbishop Philip Tartaglia. Though only first year got a bar of Cadbury chocolate but the chocolate was given last period instead of at the end of the Mass.

At the end of the mass we all got a chocolate bar and a gold blessed cross.

At the end of the mass we all got a chocolate bar and a gold blessed cross.

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