Outdoor learning fortnight- week 2

This week we have continued out learning in the great outdoors- well, our beautiful playground!

On Monday we tested our skills of the eight points of the compass by writing our names on the MUGA. we had to describe each movement of the chalk with a compass direction. This was tricky at first but we were up for the challenge!

We continued our work on spooky videos. Each team has 2 sculptors, 2 camera  operators and a director. We finished filming our shots for the video on Monday. Please see the previous blog post for the final products!

We also completed our pictures inspired by Roshany’s artwork. We took inspiration from the eco garden

On Wednesday our sweet classmates Hanna, Aroush, Arisha, Aamna and Zaynab had organised a scavenger hunt for all of us. They hid clues all over the playground which eventually led to a hidden USB. On the USB were loads of old pictures of our class from primary one until now. It was amazing!

Thursday was our most exciting day! We worked together in teams to build dens. These shelter had to be weather resistant and large enough for all of us to chill in. We also learned how to build a fire. Using that fire, and inspired by our American themed guided reading this week, we made s’mores! They were delicious!

We have had so much fun and can’t believe that term 1 is over already!!

Let’s see what exciting adventures term 2 has in store for us!


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