Last week in August

We have had another crazy busy week this past week!

we have been staying active both indoors and outdoors.

when the weather was terrible we did yoga in class. This is good for our bodies and our minds as it helps us to stay calm.

When the rain went away we played a new game called Time Bomb. Here we are focussing in our team work and accurate passing skills.

we have also been doing lots of drama this week to focus on our health and well-being. We created scenarios that involved anger and demonstrated ways to calm the situation down and make it right again.

finally we have been trying out a new software for us, Microsoft Teams. We will use this to communicate when we are at home doing things like homework.

if anyone in the class is still having trouble accessing Microsoft Teams please let Miss Webster know and she will do her best to fix it in class.
remember iPads should be coming into school each day with enough charge!

Here’s to another great week!

Miss Webster and P7


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