Welcome to Primary 7!

Welcome to Primary 7! We are so excited to be back at school and learning together. Here are some fun things we have been getting up to on this sunny week.

In literacy we have been reminding ourselves of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.
we worked in pairs to take slow mo shorts of various verbs, then using our vocabulary skills to describe them using the mark up app.

we were also using the beautiful weather to our advantage in our writing. We sat outside and used the space as inspiration for some creative writing.

we have been discussing what life will be like in primary seven and how it is different to all the other years. We have a lot more responsibility this year and so have been thinking about the kids of people we want to be. Here is a sneak peak of an art piece we are creating to show our personal goals for this year.

we can’t wait to see what the rest of P7 has in store for us!


a friendly reminder:

  1. P.E. for us is on Tuesday and Friday each week. Please bring your appropriate kit on these days.
  2. you must charge your iPad each evening at home and bring it in to school each day as we use them loads!

  3. we should all have indoor shoes, waterproof jackets and waterproof jackets in school every day for lots of outdoor learning.

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