All posts by Miss McCue

Pyjama Day Thursday 24.09.20

As part of our Macmillan Coffee Morning on Thursday, P6/7 are having a pyjama day. Come to school wearing your pyjamas or comfy clothes and bring £1 if you can.  

Remember, you can still buy raffle tickets for £1 a strip and can bring in money to buy a tasty donut on Thursday. Donuts will be sold at 50p each.

 If you have taken part in the family sponsored walk, please bring the money you have raised from this in on Thursday too  

The money we raise on Thursday will go straight to the fantastic Macmillan Cancer Charity. Thank you for all of your support. 💚💚


Here is a direct link to our TEAMS channel.  The link is also posted at the top of our class blog, along with my email address.

Please download TEAMS and use your glow email and password to log in and participate in our P6/7 Team.

Miss McCue.

Wall Sit Challenge 👏🏼💪🏽

During our PE lessons this term, we are learning about body weight circuits.
We have learned the importance of controlling our body during exercise and making sure our muscle groups are engaged And we are carrying exercises out properly.

For fun at the end of our PE lessons, we have been taking part in the ‘Wall Sit Challenge’.  To carry out the wall sit correctly, you need to sit back, position your feet correctly and engage your core – it’s a lot of hard work. Just look at the pain and determination on these faces … 😂😂

Finding Angles using a Protractor.

Our infant playground looks amazing since the refurbishment so we decided to take our maths lesson there.

We have learned how to use a protractor correctly and know that using it correctly is very important if we want to measure an angle accurately.

We had lots of fun working in pairs to measure different angles in the playground. We knew that we had to measure the angles accurately so we decided to double check the size of the angle by one person in the pair measuring first and saying what they thought the size of the angle was and then the other person in the pair would measure it and check if it was accurate. If both had different Sizes, we would measure again to ensure we were accurate.

Homework WB 14.09.2020

Hi everyone, here is some homework for this week.

Firstly, can everyone try and log in to Microsoft Teams at home please?  I have given you your username and password on a sheet of paper so please use this to log in.  If you can’t log in, let me know in class and we will try and sort it together.  If you do get logged in, please try to leave a comment on our class chat.

Literacy – we are learning about imaginative writing this term and have recently looked at how to create interesting characters and setting.  Remember we used similes and metaphors (as well as adjectives) to describe characters and setting?  For homework this week, can you come up with a story idea of your own?  If possible, can you plan your story out this week  please?  This can be in a mind map.  Here are some things to consider:

  • Create characters
  • Create setting
  • Create a plot

Maths – I have added maths activities to the files on Microsoft Teams for you to complete.  As well as these, please learn the 7 times table.  Chant it or write it down lots of times to try and remember it.  Here is a catchy tune to help you remember:

HWB – Our school focus this week is Hygiene.  Can you create a poster or a presentation using an App and tell us why it is important to have good personal hygiene.  Use your own knowledge to help with this as well as what you have learned in class.



Homework WB 07.09.20

While we are waiting to be fully set up on Microsoft Teams, here is some homework for this week.

In Mental Maths, we are learning to count in multiples of 6, 7, 8 and 9.  Please focus on the 6 times table this week.  There are lots of fun videos on YouTube to help with learning times tables.   You could use this one this week to help you learn the 6 times table.

Literacy – all children should be reading every night.  You could read a book, a comic, a newspaper (anything you have in the house).  You don’t have to read for hours every night, why not start reading for 15 minutes each night and then increase it by 5 minutes each week?  You should all have your library book from class to read so feel free to take this home and put it straight back in your bag when you’re finished reading.

HWB – our whole school focus this week is Mental Health Awareness.  We are learning about mental health in class each day.  At home, create a mindmap of what you have learned or write down some questions you want answered based on what we have learned in class.