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Homework 14.9.2020

Here are some homework tasks for this week. You now have your username and password for Bugclub to complete your reading on there.

  • Do at least 20 minutes of reading a day. This can be a book, magazine, comic or any other type of reading.

-Can you find words that have a silent w in your books? Tell me what they are.

-Complete Sumdog work.

-Can you create a poster about washing your hands?

  • Can you tell me how many tens and units are in each of these numbers? 21, 32, 65, 4, 48, 90, 87

-can you write at least 3 sentences about this picture?



Sumdog maths homework


Today you will get new logins for Sumdog. You should try to play a little each night as it is all numeracy related games. I have set a weekly task for you all to do called Ordering.

There is also a competition coming up to win prizes so keep playing!




We are learning about measure as part of our maths work.

We are learning about standard and non standard units of measure.

We know that non standard units can give us different answers that might not be as accurate as standard units.

Have a look at some of our work.

Homework 08.09.2020

Here are some homework tasks to complete at home this week.


Can you write your spelling words outside using chalk, leaves or twigs?

Can you make number stories for at least three of the following numbers? Choose the ones that you think will challenge you!

9, 13, 17, 21, 28, 33, 45, 47, 59, 66, 89, 92, 101, 105, 209


Can you practice these tricky words?

  • the
  • of
  • me
  • by
  • go

Can you create a song to help people remember the importance of washing their hands to help keep them safe? You could maybe film yourself singing it!

Take pictures and post them to the blog 🙂