All posts by Dunnet

Money task

P3 have been exploring money and making different totals with a variety of coins. This is a good life skill to practise and it can be done at home to reinforce.




Hi everyone, homework has been uploaded to Teams.  Here are the details in case you can’t access it.

This week’s homework-
Spelling list and sentences (worksheet in your folder)
Reading book (in your folder)
Online book – bug club, please answer the questions and finish the book so that I can issue new ones.

Sumdog challenge (will be active tomorrow)
HTU adding sums

Health and well-being:
Squish the fish yoga on you tube.

See you tomorrow
Mrs D 🤗

Health & wellbeing. Squish the fish yoga


The one time we want it to rain…

Today we were trying to measure the rainfall. We chose 2 different places on the MUGA to measure the rain but as soon as we set up our measuring cylinders, the rain stopped!

We will try again tomorrow.


Today we continued our numeracy topic of measure. We used jugs and beakers to measure different volumes in millilitres.  We had to check what intervals were on the different jugs as some counted up in 5’s but others were 10 and 20  Intervals.



Yesterday P3 had gym on the MUGA. They were in teams and had to follow instructions to complete the obstacle course safely. The first team to have everyone back won.
They realised that if they were not paying attention that they were missing their turn and keeping the team back. Other things which used up unnecessary time included people chatting, not returning the hockey stick for the next person and some people trying to have an extra turn.


Blackberry jam

we picked wild blackberries In the school garden to make jam. Mrs Dunnet will take the berries home to make the jam on her cooker and we will use it to make empire biscuits tomorrow.

Here is the recipe :

  • wash blackberries
  • weigh the blackberries and then weigh the same amount of preserving jam
  • mix the berries and jam in a big pot
  • squeeze in the juice of one lemon – it’s ok if the pips go in as this helps the jam to set
  • put the heat on low and stir until the sugar is runny
  • once the sugar is runny, turn the heat up high
  • when the mixture starts to boil, turn the heat down to the lowest setting and continue to stir for around 15 minutes
  • mash the mixture to remove most of the lumps
  • use a ladle to pour the jam mixture into clean, cold jars
  • put into the fridge an enjoy when cold/set

please do not allow children to make jam by themselves as the mixture becomes extremely hot and will stick to the skin