All posts by gw11mcnameegillian@glow

Support for accessing Teams

Hi everyone,

There seems to be some problems for people accessing teams, although when we try in school it seems to be okay. This may be because we are going into Teams through Glow and then going into the Teams App.

Go to Glow website:

Put in your username and password. Make sure this is EXACTLY the same as on the sheet, using capital letters if they are there.

Click on the Teams app from your Glow launchpad.

Remember to add a comment if you can get in.


Hope this helps!

Macmillan Fundraising

What a day we have had!

I think everyone will be exhausted tonight after all the running and dancing they have done!

P3 have managed to raise a whopping £175.35! most of this has come from their sponsor money.

Thank you so much for all of your help in raising such a large sum of money.

Have a look at some of the fun we had while raising lots of money for a worthy cause.


Outdoor Learning

Hi everyone,

For the next two weeks, we will be having an outdoor learning fortnight. this means that we will be outside a lot more than we usually are.

Can you please make sure that you are coming to school prepared for this? This would mean warm clothes, waterproofs and things that you don’t mind getting dirty! The weather is definitely starting to change so these things will definitely be a must.

Have a great holiday weekend and see you all on Tuesday!

Virtual Macmillan Coffee Morning

Happy Friday everyone! I have a lot of information here so please take your time to read through this carefully. 🙂

Next Thursday (24th September) should have been our annual coffee morning which is always a fantastic event. Unfortunately, due to social distancing measures that are in place, we are unable to do this like we regularly would this year.

That’s not going to stop us from raising money and awareness though!

P3 have decided that as a class, they will have a Pyjama Day. They will come to school in their pyjamas and pay £1 to do so.

We also decided to some more to raise some extra money for Macmillan.

We are going to do a sponsored fun run and a dance-a-thon. Sounds like a tiring day… Maybe that’s why we decided on a pyjama day!

We will send home a sponsor sheet for these if you and your family members or friends would like to  sponsor them. This money can be collected after they have completed the events. Please put this money in an envelope before handing it back into school. Every little helps!

There will also be doughnuts for sale on the day if children would like to buy these, they can bring some extra money.

Also, if you would like to get involved at home, you can do a family sponsored walk. We have sponsor sheets available in class, so if you would like one, please ask me or Mrs Dunnet and we will give you one. This is entirely optional, but a definitely a fun way to raise some money with your family! Again, please put any money raised from this into an envelope before bringing it back into school.

There will also be an Art competition that can be completed at home. You can create your own piece of art at home, take a picture and post it to the blog. These will be judged by Mrs McFadden and the winner will be announced next week.

Have a lovely weekend!


Mrs McCafferty 🙂

Meet the teacher!

Unfortunately this year, we are unable to host our usual meet the teacher afternoon because of the social distancing restrictions. So we have made a little video so you can have a look at the staff that work in p3 and also have a sneak peak at some of the work we do!



Homework 14.9.2020

Here are some homework tasks for this week. You now have your username and password for Bugclub to complete your reading on there.

  • Do at least 20 minutes of reading a day. This can be a book, magazine, comic or any other type of reading.

-Can you find words that have a silent w in your books? Tell me what they are.

-Complete Sumdog work.

-Can you create a poster about washing your hands?

  • Can you tell me how many tens and units are in each of these numbers? 21, 32, 65, 4, 48, 90, 87

-can you write at least 3 sentences about this picture?




We are learning about measure as part of our maths work.

We are learning about standard and non standard units of measure.

We know that non standard units can give us different answers that might not be as accurate as standard units.

Have a look at some of our work.