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Halloween Week!

We had such a fun filled Halloween themed week!

This week, we have been learning about area and volume! We also wrote some very spooky potions. We had so much fun dressing up for our Halloween Party today. Take a look at how fabulous we looked!

The police also visited us this week. They reminded us how to stay safe on Bonfire Night.

Have a great weekend!

First week of term 2!


Primary 2 have been very busy this week!

This week we have been practising our number bonds and learning about fractions. We designed pizzas outside using chalk and hoops! We then cut our pizzas into quarters!

We have also been learning alternative spellings this week. Ask us all about Magic E!

We also learned about Black History as October is Black History Month.

This afternoon, we made wands using sticks that we collected outside. We cannot wait to use them to cast some spooky spells next week!

Have a lovely weekend!

Outdoor learning week

I am sadly unable to upload pictures of our fantastic learning this week due to a technical issue on the blog.

We had a very busy week this week as it was Outdoor Learning week! We got to go to the park on Tuesday and had a lovely afternoon. I hope to share pictures of our visit with you as soon as soon as possible!

Here is a chance for you to try some vegetarian food during the holiday! Have a fantastic October Holiday and I will see you on Monday the 19th of October!


Outdoor Learning Fortnight!


For the next two weeks, we will be having an outdoor learning fortnight. Please make sure that you are coming to school prepared as we will be outside regularly. If you can, please bring warm clothes, waterproofs and things that you don’t mind getting dirty!

Have a fantastic September weekend! Can’t wait to hear what you all get up to. See you all on Tuesday!

Important News!

Hello! P2 have spoken and there will be a non-uniform day on Thursday the 24th of September. Please remember to bring in your £1 donation! Some children requested a Family Walk Sponsor Sheet today and these have been sent home. If you would like to take part, please ask your child for one. We also have raffle tickets on sale for £1 also!


Please look out for your child bringing home a login details sheet in their homework folders . These sheets will have your child’s Microsoft Teams, Sumdog and Bug Club login details on it. Please try not to lose this sheet!

Online teaching will be carried out using ‘Microsoft Teams’. You will be informed by the school if any online teaching is taking place for your child’s class. You can click on the below link or download the ‘Microsoft Teams’ app on your device.  To make sure you are able to use ‘Teams’ if and when it is needed, please try logging in and commenting on the class’ ‘Test chat’.

Thank you!

MacMillan Fundraiser

Big news and a lot of information!

On Monday, Primary 2 will choose a fundraiser activity for our class. This is to raise money for MacMillan. Our options are to have a non-uniform day, crazy hair day or a pyjama day  on Thursday the 24th of September. Please have a think over the weekend! To take part, we kindly ask that you bring in £1.

There will also be donuts for sale. Please bring some extra money if you fancy one!

You may also wish to take part in a Family Sponsored walk. This is entirely optional and sponsor sheets will be sent home upon request.

There will also be an Art Competition next week! If you wish to take part, please draw a picture at home and post a picture on the blog. Mrs McFadden will be judging the entries and the winner will be announced next week!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Term 1 Plan

Below is a copy of our Term 1 plan. Please open the link to see what we will be learning this term!

Term 1 P2 Blog Update

A few points to remember:

PE – Our gym days are Monday and Wednesday. We exercise outside on the Muga and do not require a change of clothes currently.

Homework – Homework is given out on Monday’s! Your child will receive a new book every week and it must be brought into class everyday. There will be “Look, Cover, Write, Check’ spelling sheet also given out on a Monday. Please return these sheets by the Friday of that week!

Please make sure your child hands in their reading book every Friday! Please also return any books that you may still have at home as these books are shared across several classes.

Thank you!

Meet The Teacher!

Hello! Welcome to the Primary 2 blog! It is fantastic to finally have the blog up and running. My name is Miss Bonar and I am the P2 teacher. We will be sharing our learning here on a weekly basis. Look out for us!

Usually we would invite families into our class for a formal visit. Sadly, we are unable to do this. Instead, I have put together a 10 minute ‘Meet The Teacher’ video and have attached the link below! This video allows you to virtually meet me and watch our wonderful P2 pupils in action! 

P2 have been working super hard and I am so proud of how well they have settled into our new class. You will see pictures from August to September in the video and will even see video clips from a Literacy lesson this week! 

P2 beat me AGAIN at Beat The Teacher. This is a fantastic game that you can play at home with your child. Simply set a timer and write the Tricky Words ‘come’ and ‘some’ as many times as you can! Warning, P2 are super fast! I know so many children have been playing this wonderful game at home! I have also included a few clips from our adjectives lesson on Wednesday. The children discuss in the video different objects, places and people that they can describe using adjectives at home! We will be using lots of adjectives and up-levelling our sentences in class!