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Term 4!

Wow! We have been working so hard! Have a look at what we have been up to.



For literacy, we have been learning and revising the sounds “ew”, “ow” and alternative “y”.  As part of our Library topic, we have also been learning about fiction and non-fiction books, and fact and opinion! For writing, we have been learning about persuasion! Have a look at our chocolate adverts and letters to the council about the library closures.


For Maths, we have been learning our the 2 and 4 times tables! We used our knowledge of the tables to learn how to divide by 2 as well. We have also been continuing to find missing numbers in sequences, to tell the time to half past and estimate! Here are some pictures of our learning!


We are also super lucky to be working with Eco Drama this term! Here are some pictures from our adventures.





For RERC the class were learning about symbols which represent Judaism. They created their own symbols to represent things that are important in their lives. Then they made a Star of David.



For Health & Wellbeing, we have been learning about our feelings through PATHS. We have also been looking at Developing The Young Workforce and worked together to decide what skills we think are needed for different jobs! We will be looking at our own skills and future ambitions soon. We were also challenged to come up with a job title for every letter of the alphabet. We worked in groups to do this!


As part of our Scotland topic, we worked together to study and compare the landscape of Scottish cities and islands! Here are some of our ideas! We also, created some special art work. We looked at the Scottish artist, Caroline Duncan’s work for some inspiration. We focused on shape, form, pattern and colour for this project. Here are some of our finished island landscapes!



Lastly, we have been learning about space! We learned about the phases of the moon, the earth and sun. As part of our time topic, we learned the months of the year and seasons. We learned this term that it is Spring in Scotland right now, but it is Autumn in Australia!

We have now started our plants topic and are growing our own beans! Come back soon to see them grow.


P2 Teams Online Learning

Good afternoon and Happy New Year! I hope you are enjoying your Christmas Holidays and had a lovely break.

As of Monday, we will be back learning online. I have attached a letter for parents to read. I have also attached a recording of me reading the letter.

Here is a message for parents, from Mrs Harker.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and make sure you login at 9am for our Literacy lesson.

Home Learning

Hello! Please make sure you login to Microsoft Teams as soon as you can. I am posting work on Teams every day.

Please also join the Check In Meeting at 10am every morning. Tomorrow, I will be playing Beat The Teacher along side you, during our morning meeting.  Please join and try to beat me!

I miss you all lots!

Home Learning – Monday 16th November 2020

Hi Primary 2! Please make sure that you can log onto Microsoft Teams. This is where I will post your home learning tasks each day. You received login details in your homework folder a few weeks ago. I have reset everyone’s password again to the original password on your sheet. You will be asked to change your password after logging on for the first time. You also received login details for Sumdog and Bugclub on this sheet. Reading books have been assigned on Bugclub and your normal homework can be accessed via Sumdog. If you are having any trouble logging on, please phone the school or email me. You can find my email on this blog!

Your home learning tasks for today are:

  1. Choose one Literacy task from your pack to complete.
  2. Choose one Maths task from your pack to complete.

An extra task for today is to make a poster for your favourite book as our whole school topic this week is Book Week! Can you tell me …

  1. Why this book is your favourite?
  2. Who your favourite character is and why?

I miss you all and look forward to catching up with you on Teams.


Good afternoon, I hope you’re having a fantastic weekend. Mrs Sheridan is retiring on Wednesday after working at our school for 28 years. We are all going to miss her so much and the school are wondering if you can ask your families – parents, cousins, aunties and uncles – if Mrs Sheridan ever taught them, to send a short clip wishing her a happy retirement and maybe saying a wee goodbye message for her. Let us know if you need any help with this and hopefully we can get some nice goodbye videos for Mrs Sheridan. We know she will love this. Thank you in a advance!