Good afternoon P7. It is crazy that this is your last week of primary 7!! How have you all been getting on with your high school inductions? What did you like about your new school? Did you get try out a specific subject?
Today all the teachers where in school learning cool ways to use our outdoor space. Do you have any ideas for what we could do with all our amazing outdoor space?🌲🌳
Are we all excited about seeing each other? I have loved teaching you all, it has been a a true pleasure teaching you all and your new high school teachers  are in for a real treat 😊
Miss O’Donnell 🤗
Hi Miss how are you I am really excited for tomorrow today was my induction and we had the subjects of history we were learning about the three different humanities I think it was called of history modern Studies there was geography and I think the other one was history I’m not sure and we had history with a teacher called Mr Rogers and we met a teacher called Miss Kennedy who was a teacher and she explain the house system in Bellahouston I saw Zoha and Safa there and they were learning Spanish but we didn’t and we saw Mr Mr McDonald who is the deputy head and it was really fun