Welcome back to our blog. This week was radiotastic.
Mondays highlight- division and food tasting. Division was fun as some of us were able to turn the reminder into a decimal or fraction. Additionally , food tasting was great because we got to taste the difference between locally grown food and supermarket fruit. We thought that the main differences were taste, touch and smell.
Tuesdays highlight- learning more about Fairtrade. We learned that Fairtrade is one the biggest and well known organisations from around the world and was established in 1992.
Wednesdays highlights- This was a fun day as we got to create our own adverts and jingles. We were split into groups of four and recorded our own adverts. Zayd, Rayan, Yashdeep, Ahsan, Hamza, Azeem and Najib Ullah all took part in the film festival. This involved interviewing the Eco members.
Thursday highlight- Samba with Mrs Brightman. We got to use a range of music instruments. Additionally, we wrote a report relating to our topic. We took mini breaks during this lesson to recharge our brains.
And there is sad putting that thumb up he is ssssssoooooo ready.
I’m so sorry I cant come to school because I have been coughing and vomiting sorry guys I cannot come I will come tomorrow probably.