Home Learning – Day 23

Happy Wednesday,

Each week I will read a chapter of our book The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark! Try and follow the video using your own book that can be found in your pack.

After reading the first chapter have a think about some of the things that maybe frighten you. Here are some questions you could ask each other…
* what is one thing that scares you?
* why does it frighten you?
* what could you change about your fear to make it funny so that itโ€™s not too scary anymore?

(example: Iโ€™m afraid of snakes. Iโ€™m most scared of the way they move so sometimes I like to imagine them like cartoon characters with big eyes and a silly voice. This helps make them seem less frightening.)

The main character is called Plop. Plop and his family are barn owls. What can you find out about barn owls? I would love for you to share some facts about barn owls you find out in the comments.

Enjoy family discussions and stories today. I hope you are all well and keeping safe!

Miss Milne ๐Ÿ™‚


5 thoughts on “Home Learning – Day 23”

  1. What a fantastic book Miss Milne. I think I might join in each day and listen to your story. I am afraid of spiders because they move so quickly, I could sing incy wincy spider to cheer myself up!

    1. Hi Miss Graham,

      I think itโ€™s a great idea to sing to yourself when you feel afraid. Spiders can be a bit scary but they also make beautiful webs ๐Ÿ•ธ

      Miss Milne ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Miss Milne I am afraid of fire because we had a fire in the next door close to us and because of that I am afraid of fire and height now as we stay at the top building of a flat, I could make this funny by thinking itโ€™s orange rain coming down from sky and height could be a trampoline jumping on a trampoline. I really enjoyed the first chapter I canโ€™t wait to hear the second chapter x

    1. Hi Eshaal,

      Fire can be a bit scary especially after you have been near one like you were. I love that you have turned it into orange rain. You are a brave girl.
      Keep a look out for the next chapter.

      Miss Milne ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Thank you so much I still feel scared when I think about what happened, but like you said and everyone else I am a brave girl and hopefully one day I will be okay… wish I can come to school and talk to you about it. Hopefully soon miss you ๐Ÿ˜Š

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