P2/3 Daily Diary – Day 5


How are you all doing today? I have spent the morning working hard on posting a new art video on our infants YouTube channel but it’s not doing it quickly today! I will need to share it will you all another time.

Question of the day: 

What exciting plans have you got for the weekend? 

It’s going to be tricky this weekend to make it feel different than the rest of the week so try and pick one new thing to do or try that you haven’t done yet!

Have a happy weekend and I will speak to you all on Monday!!

Miss Milne 🙂


5 thoughts on “P2/3 Daily Diary – Day 5”

  1. I’m going to learn how to play a song on the violin this weekend! That will be my something different from the rest of the week!

    Miss Milne 🙂

  2. “We are tidying the garden tomorrow. Maybe mummy will let us have a water fight if it’s not too cold. On Sunday’s my brother isn’t allowed his PS4 and instead we all play mario party 8 on the Wii. I really like that on Sunday. You will be good at violin Mrs Milne.” Aila

    1. Your weekend sounds full of fun activities! I hope it was great and that you won at Mario Party 🥳

      Miss Milne 🙂

  3. We just relaxed played ps3 and watched movies and made popcorn and I played games on my iPad and watched kids videos. How was your weekend miss Milne 😍

    1. Sounds like you had a very relaxing and fun weekend! My weekend was relaxing too, thank you for asking!

      Miss Milne 🙂

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